Optimization of methanol/diesel dual-fuel engines at low load condition for heavy-duty vehicles to operated at high substitution ratio by using single-hole injector for …
Methanol, as a low-carbon and easily synthesizable fuel, is one of the promising directions
for future internal combustion engine (ICE) fuels. However, methanol/diesel engines with …
for future internal combustion engine (ICE) fuels. However, methanol/diesel engines with …
Structural optimization study of ammonia-diesel dual-fuel engine based on reactivity turbulent jet disturbance coupled aerodynamics under high load conditions
The efficient utilization of ammonia (NH 3) is a key technical method for achieving clean
combustion. Pre-chamber (PC) is an effective means of improving NH 3 combustion and …
combustion. Pre-chamber (PC) is an effective means of improving NH 3 combustion and …
Comparison and optimization of strategies for ammonia-diesel dual-fuel engine based on reactivity assisted jet ignition and reactivity turbulent jet disturbance under …
Abstract Ammonia (NH 3), as a zero carbon, easy to synthesize, and easily obtainable fuel,
is one of the choices for future internal combustion engine fuels. However, the slow laminar …
is one of the choices for future internal combustion engine fuels. However, the slow laminar …
Impact of varying injection pressure on CI engine characteristics fuelled with Ceiba pentandra biodiesel and NOx reduction strategy
The novelty of the present work deals with the experimental investigation on the effects of
varying injection pressure (IP) on CI engine characteristics using a novel Ceiba pentandra …
varying injection pressure (IP) on CI engine characteristics using a novel Ceiba pentandra …