[Књига][B] Cephalopods of the world: chambered nautiluses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae, and Spirulidae)
P Jereb, CFE Roper - 2005 - books.google.com
This is the first volume of the entirely rewritten, revised and updated version of the original
FAO Catalogue of Cephalopods of the World (1984). The present Volume is a multiauthored …
FAO Catalogue of Cephalopods of the World (1984). The present Volume is a multiauthored …
Deep-sea octocorals and antipatharians show no evidence of seamount-scale endemism in the NW Atlantic
Seamounts are undersea mountains commonly characterized by accelerated currents,
exposed hard-substrates, and relatively high biomass and biodiversity. Hydrographic …
exposed hard-substrates, and relatively high biomass and biodiversity. Hydrographic …
Micronektonic fish species over three seamounts in the southwestern Indian Ocean
Taxonomic composition, abundance and biological features of micronektonic fish were
investigated using pelagic trawls conducted near and over the summits of three seamounts …
investigated using pelagic trawls conducted near and over the summits of three seamounts …
Are deep‐sea demersal fish assemblages globally homogenous? Insights from seamounts
Deep‐sea fishes have been poorly sampled globally, and overall knowledge of demersal
fish distributions and the drivers of community composition and diversity remain limited …
fish distributions and the drivers of community composition and diversity remain limited …
Geological features supporting deep-sea coral habitat in Atlantic Canada
Geological features supporting cold-water coral habitat in Atlantic Canada are reviewed and
exemplified using qualitative field observations from the Scotian margin and Southwest …
exemplified using qualitative field observations from the Scotian margin and Southwest …
Predictive modeling of suitable habitat for deep-sea corals offshore the Northeast United States
BP Kinlan, M Poti, AF Drohan, DB Packer… - Deep Sea Research …, 2020 - Elsevier
Deep-sea corals (DSCs) are important living marine resources, forming both oases of
biodiversity and three-dimensional habitat structure for fishes and invertebrates. However …
biodiversity and three-dimensional habitat structure for fishes and invertebrates. However …
[PDF][PDF] A review of the lanternfish genus Bolinichthys Paxton, 1972 (Myctophidae)
On the basis of data from 6,950 specimens, together with re-worked records from the
collections of the world's major research institutions and museums, the lanternfish genus …
collections of the world's major research institutions and museums, the lanternfish genus …
[PDF][PDF] The state of deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems of the United States
Corals are a diverse and prominent component of the epibenthic fauna in deep waters of the
United States and globally. Many species form three-dimensional biogenic habitats that …
United States and globally. Many species form three-dimensional biogenic habitats that …
Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species
The Hippasterinae is a subfamily within the Goniasteridae, consisting of five genera and 26
species, which occur in cold-water settings ranging from subtidal to abyssal depths. All …
species, which occur in cold-water settings ranging from subtidal to abyssal depths. All …
Population genomics of three deep-sea cephalopod species reveals connectivity between the Gulf of Mexico and northwestern Atlantic Ocean
Despite the ecological importance of deep-sea cephalopods, little is known about their
genetic diversity or population dynamics. The cephalopod species Cranchia scabra …
genetic diversity or population dynamics. The cephalopod species Cranchia scabra …