Method and apparatus for performing optical imaging using frequency-domain interferometry

SH Yun, BE Bouma, GJ Tearney, JF De Boer - US Patent 7,733,497, 2010 - Google Patents
3,090,753 3,601.480 3,856,000 3,872.407 3,941,121 3,973,219 3,983,507 4,030,827
4,140,364 4,141,362 4,224,929 4,295,738 4,300,816 4,303.300 4,428,643 4,479,499 …

System and method for optical coherence imaging

M Shishkov, BE Bouma, GJ Tearney - US Patent 7,366,376, 2008 - Google Patents
Apparatus and method are provided for transmitting at least one electro-magnetic radiation
is provided. In particular, at least one optical fiber having at least one end extending along a …

Optical methods for tissue analysis

GJ Tearney, BE Bouma - US Patent 7,231,243, 2007 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,117,128 A 9/2000 Gregory 6,120,516 A 9, 2000 Selmon et al.
5,248,876 A 9, 1993 Kerstens et al. 6,134,003 A 10/2000 Tearney et al. 5,262,644. A 1 …

Fiber-optic rotational device, optical system and method for imaging a sample

BE Bouma, GJ Tearney, M Shishkov - US Patent 7,382,949, 2008 - Google Patents
A device, system and method for transmitting electro-magnetic radiation between at least
two separate fibers (as well as for imaging a sample) are provided. For example, a first …

Apparatus and method for ranging and noise reduction of low coherence interferometry LCI and optical coherence tomography OCT signals by parallel detection of …

JF De Boer, GJ Tearney, BE Bouma - US Patent 7,355,716, 2008 - Google Patents
Apparatus, method, logic arrangement and storage medium are provided for increasing the
sensitivity in the detection of optical coherence tomography and low coherence interfer …

Non-contact optical system, computer-accessible medium and method for measurement at least one mechanical property of tissue using coherent speckle technique …

SK Nadkarni, GJ Tearney - US Patent 9,351,642, 2016 - Google Patents
Exemplary embodiments of apparatus and method for deter mining at least one material
property of an anatomical struc ture can be provided. According to one exemplary embodi …

Process and apparatus for a wavelength tuning source

B Bouma, SHA Yun, WYW Oh, J Deboer… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
4,224,929 A 9, 1980 Furihata 5,635,830 A 6, 1997 Itoh 4,295,738 A 10/1981 Meltz et al.
5,649,924 A 7/1997 Everett et al. 4,300,816 A 1 1/1981 Snitzer et al. 5,697.373 A 12/1997 …

System and method for identifying tissue using low-coherence interferometry

GJ Tearney, MS Shishkov, NV Iftimia… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
An apparatus for needle biopsy with real time tissue differ entiation using one dimensional
interferometric ranging imaging, comprising a biopsy device having a barrel and a needle …

Arrangements and methods for providing multimodality microscopic imaging of one or more biological structures

GJ Tearney, D Yelin, BJ Vakoc, WY Oh… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
Method and apparatus according to an exemplary embodi ment of the present invention can
be provided. For example, first data associated with a first signal received from at least one …

Apparatus and method for low coherence ranging

TJ Guillermo, BE Bouma - US Patent 7,310,150, 2007 - Google Patents
A system, apparatus and method for performing low coherence ranging of a sample with
high transverse resolution and large depth of focus can be provided. For example, an optical …