Radiocarbon dating
Radiocarbon dating uses the decay of a radioactive isotope of carbon (14C) to measure time
and date objects containing carbon-bearing material. With a half-life of 5,700±30 years …
and date objects containing carbon-bearing material. With a half-life of 5,700±30 years …
Radiocarbon: a chronological tool for the recent past
Q Hua - Quaternary Geochronology, 2009 - Elsevier
The past few hundred years have seen large fluctuations in atmospheric 14C concentration.
In part, these have been the result of natural factors, including the climatic changes of the …
In part, these have been the result of natural factors, including the climatic changes of the …
Atmospheric radiocarbon for the period 1950–2010
We present a compilation of tropospheric 14CO2 for the period 1950–2010, based on
published radiocarbon data from selected records of atmospheric CO2 sampling and tree …
published radiocarbon data from selected records of atmospheric CO2 sampling and tree …
Discussion: reporting and calibration of post-bomb 14C data
The definitive paper by Stuiver and Polach (1977) established the conventions for reporting
of radiocarbon data for chronological and geophysical studies based on the radioactive …
of radiocarbon data for chronological and geophysical studies based on the radioactive …
Review of tropospheric bomb 14C data for carbon cycle modeling and age calibration purposes
Q Hua, M Barbetti - Radiocarbon, 2004 -
Comprehensive published radiocarbon data from selected atmospheric records, tree rings,
and recent organic matter were analyzed and grouped into 4 different zones (three for the …
and recent organic matter were analyzed and grouped into 4 different zones (three for the …
[KNIHA][B] Forensic human identification: an introduction
T Thompson, S Black - 2006 -
This volume explores indicators from a variety of biological fields used in human
identification and illustrates the basic principles of each discipline. The contributors explain …
identification and illustrates the basic principles of each discipline. The contributors explain …
14C dating with the bomb peak: an application to forensic medicine
EM Wild, KA Arlamovsky, R Golser, W Kutschera… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2000 - Elsevier
Samples originating from the time period after 1950 can be radiocarbon dated utilising the
14C bomb peak as a calibration curve. The applicability of “radiocarbon dating” of recent …
14C bomb peak as a calibration curve. The applicability of “radiocarbon dating” of recent …
Direct dating of Early Upper Palaeolithic human remains from Mladeč
EM Wild, M Teschler-Nicola, W Kutschera, P Steier… - Nature, 2005 -
The human fossil assemblage from the Mladeč Caves in Moravia (Czech Republic) has
been considered to derive from a middle or later phase of the Central European Aurignacian …
been considered to derive from a middle or later phase of the Central European Aurignacian …
[KNIHA][B] Геоархеология: естественнонаучные методы в археологических исследованиях
Я Кузьмин - 2022 -
В книге изложены основы геоархеологии–междисциплинарного направления на стыке
археологии и естественных наук. Представлены базовые знания по геоморфологии …
археологии и естественных наук. Представлены базовые знания по геоморфологии …
Quantitative paleoflood hydrology
G Benito, TM Harden, J Connor - 2020 -
Paleoflood hydrologyKochel and Baker (1982) is the reconstruction of the magnitude and
frequency of past floods using geologicalevidence (Baker et al., 2002). Over the last 40 …
frequency of past floods using geologicalevidence (Baker et al., 2002). Over the last 40 …