Genomic selection in aquaculture: application, limitations and opportunities with special reference to marine shrimp and pearl oysters
Within aquaculture industries, selection based on genomic information (genomic selection)
has the profound potential to change genetic improvement programs and production …
has the profound potential to change genetic improvement programs and production …
Exome sequencing: current and future perspectives
The completion of a reference genome sequence for humans took more than 200 scientists
more than a decade in a project that cost almost $3 billion to complete (International Human …
more than a decade in a project that cost almost $3 billion to complete (International Human …
Genomic selection: A paradigm shift in animal breeding
Traditional marker-assisted selection (MAS) did not result in a widespread use of DNA
information in animal breeding. The main reason was that the traits of interest in livestock …
information in animal breeding. The main reason was that the traits of interest in livestock …
[ספר][B] Genetic data analysis for plant and animal breeding
F Isik, J Holland, C Maltecca - 2017 - Springer
We wrote this book to fill the gap between textbooks of quantitative genetic theory and
software manuals that provide details on analytical methods but little context or perspective …
software manuals that provide details on analytical methods but little context or perspective …
A class of Bayesian methods to combine large numbers of genotyped and non-genotyped animals for whole-genome analyses
Background To obtain predictions that are not biased by selection, the conditional mean of
the breeding values must be computed given the data that were used for selection. When …
the breeding values must be computed given the data that were used for selection. When …