“Someone in Their Corner”: Parental Support in Online Secondary Education

CN Hanny, CR Graham, RE West, J Borup - International Review of …, 2023 - erudit.org
Despite increased interest in K–12 online education, student engagement deficits and the
resulting student attrition remain widespread issues. The Academic Communities of …

Parental stress of Korean immigrants in the US: Meeting child and youth's educational needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic

JY Hong, S Choi, GA Cheatham - Children and Youth Services Review, 2021 - Elsevier
This study investigates Korean immigrants' parental stress amid the COVID-19 pandemic,
especially when they experience difficulties trying to meet their children's educational needs …

Lessons learned: Home-school collaboration for students with SEN during emergency remote teaching

J MacCormack, C FitzGerald, J Whitley… - Leadership and Policy in …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Positive home-school relationships are essential for students with SEN, and this was
especially true during the initial months of the pandemic lockdown, when parents took on …

[PDF][PDF] İlkokul öğrencilerinin uzaktan eğitim sürecinde yaşadığı sıkıntılar

G Akça, E Akgün - EJERCongress 2020 Conference Proceedings, 2020 - academia.edu
ÖZET Problem Durumu ve Amaç: 2020 yılının başında bir anda ortaya çıkan ve hem
ülkemizde ve dünyada hızlı bir şekilde yayılmaya başlayan COVID-19 virüsü tüm sistemleri …

Distance education for pupils with intellectual disabilities–teachers' experiences

R Sirkko, M Takala - Education Inquiry, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Due to COVID-19, schools closed in Finland for eight weeks in the spring of 2020, and
teaching was conducted using distance education. Teachers used their professional agency …

Valuing rural meanings: The work of the parent supervisors challenging dominant educational discourses

N Downes, P Roberts - Australian and International Journal of …, 2015 - search.informit.org
This paper explores the idea that rurality is important in children's learning even though it is
in conflict with dominant educational discourses. Crucial to identifying this was the use of …

Education for rural Australia

P Roberts - Rural and regional futures, 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In an environment where youth unemployment was high and school retention and university
attendance were low the first Hawke ministry established a department to tackle youth affairs …

Occupational (In) visibility: The emerging role of the Remote Education Tutor as an educational conduit

KL Peel, B McLennan, PA Danaher… - The Australian Educational …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Remote Education Tutors (RETs) are central to the delivery of distance schooling in
Australia and are accountable for the face-to face supervision and educational support of …

Mothers' duties and rights when positioned as remote education tutors in Australian distance schooling

KL Peel, PA Danaher - The Australian Educational Researcher, 2024 - Springer
Remote education tutors (RETs) conduct the vital but undervalued work of delivering
distance schooling to geographically isolated students in Australian rural and remote …

Australian remote education tutors and universities: Proposed innovative partnerships for credentialling adult supervisors of school students enrolled in distance …

B McLennan, K Peel, E Burnett… - … International Journal of …, 2022 - search.informit.org
Currently, an almost exclusively female workforce provides the government mandated adult
supervision of Australian primary and secondary school students enrolled in distance …