Forensic use of Y-chromosome DNA: a general overview

M Kayser - Human genetics, 2017 - Springer
The male-specific part of the human Y chromosome is widely used in forensic DNA analysis,
particularly in cases where standard autosomal DNA profiling is not informative. A Y …

Forensic molecular biomarkers for mixture analysis

F Oldoni, D Podini - Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2019 - Elsevier
The deconvolution of DNA mixtures has gathered the attention of forensic DNA scientists for
over two decades. To enhance mixture deconvolution capabilities, a new generation of …

The Y chromosome as the most popular marker in genetic genealogy benefits interdisciplinary research

F Calafell, MHD Larmuseau - Human genetics, 2017 - Springer
The Y chromosome is currently by far the most popular marker in genetic genealogy that
combines genetic data and family history. This popularity is based on its haploid character …

Developmental validation of the Yfiler® Plus PCR Amplification Kit: An enhanced Y-STR multiplex for casework and database applications

S Gopinath, C Zhong, V Nguyen, J Ge… - Forensic Science …, 2016 - Elsevier
Y-chromosomal loci have proven useful in solving investigations where low levels of male
DNA are present in a high female DNA background. An intrinsic limitation of Y-STRs …

Population-scale sequencing data enable precise estimates of Y-STR mutation rates

T Willems, M Gymrek, GD Poznik, C Tyler-Smith… - The American Journal of …, 2016 -
Short tandem repeats (STRs) are mutation-prone loci that span nearly 1% of the human
genome. Previous studies have estimated the mutation rates of highly polymorphic STRs by …

Forensic ty** of short tandem repeat markers on the X and Y chromosomes

TM Diegoli - Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2015 - Elsevier
Short tandem repeat (STR) markers are the cornerstone of forensic identity and kinship
testing. Markers located on the X and the Y chromosome can complement those found on …

Genetic polymorphisms and mutation rates of 27 Y-chromosomal STRs in a Han population from Guangdong Province, Southern China

Y Wang, Y Zhang, C Zhang, R Li, Y Yang, X Ou… - Forensic Science …, 2016 - Elsevier
In this study, we collected blood samples from 1033 father–son pairs of a Han population
from Guangdong Province, Southern China, of which 1007 fathers were unrelated male …

Identification and characterization of novel rapidly mutating Y‐chromosomal short tandem repeat markers

A Ralf, D Lubach, N Kousouri, C Winkler… - Human …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Short tandem repeat polymorphisms on the male‐specific part of the human Y‐chromosome
(Y‐STRs) are valuable tools in many areas of human genetics. Although their paternal …

Improving empirical evidence on differentiating closely related men with RM Y-STRs: a comprehensive pedigree study from Pakistan

A Adnan, A Ralf, A Rakha, N Kousouri… - Forensic Science …, 2016 - Elsevier
Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) markers are commonly used in forensic
genetics. Male-specific haplotypes provided by commercial Y-STR kits allow discriminating …

Y‐chromosome short tandem repeats in forensics—Sexing, profiling, and matching male DNA

L Roewer - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Forensic Science, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) markers located on the Y chromosome is an
established method in forensic casework analysis. Usually this method is applied in cases of …