Modeling and analyzing MAPE-K feedback loops for self-adaptation

P Arcaini, E Riccobene… - 2015 IEEE/ACM 10th …, 2015 -
The MAPE-K (Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute over a shared Knowledge) feedback loop is
the most influential reference control model for autonomic and self-adaptive systems. This …

Smart airports: Review and open research issues

Z Alansari, S Soomro, MR Belgaum - … 2019, London, UK, August 19–20 …, 2019 - Springer
Airport exercises and action plans have significantly improved in the last two decades. They
help in the development of the worldwide carrier industry. The amendment of the tenets …

Formal design and verification of self-adaptive systems with decentralized control

P Arcaini, E Riccobene, P Scandurra - ACM Transactions on …, 2017 -
Feedback control loops that monitor and adapt managed parts of a software system are
considered crucial for realizing self-adaptation in software systems. The MAPE-K (Monitor …

Topological characterization of complex systems: Using persistent entropy

E Merelli, M Rucco, P Sloot, L Tesei - Entropy, 2015 -
In this paper, we propose a methodology for deriving a model of a complex system by
exploiting the information extracted from topological data analysis. Central to our approach …

A conceptual framework for adaptation

R Bruni, A Corradini, F Gadducci… - … 2012, Held as Part of the …, 2012 - Springer
In this position paper we present a conceptual vision of adaptation, a key feature of
autonomic systems. We put some stress on the role of control data and argue how some of …

A symbolic model checking approach in formal verification of distributed systems

A Souri, AM Rahmani, NJ Navimipour… - Human-centric Computing …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Model checking is an influential method to verify complex interactions, concurrent
and distributed systems. Model checking constructs a behavioral model of the system using …

The Role of Complex Systems in Predictive Analytics for E-Commerce Innovations in Business Management.

M Madanchian - Systems, 2024 -
This review explores the incorporation of complex systems theory into predictive analytics in
the e-commerce sector, particularly emphasizing recent advancements in business …

RINGA: Design and verification of finite state machine for self-adaptive software at runtime

E Lee, YG Kim, YD Seo, K Seol, DK Baik - Information and Software …, 2018 - Elsevier
Context In recent years, software environments such as the cloud and Internet of Things
(IoT) have become increasingly sophisticated, and as a result, development of adaptable …

An algebraic language for RNA pseudoknots comparison

M Quadrini, L Tesei, E Merelli - BMC bioinformatics, 2019 - Springer
Background RNA secondary structure comparison is a fundamental task for several studies,
among which are RNA structure prediction and evolution. The comparison can currently be …

[PDF][PDF] A topological approach for multivariate time series characterization: the epileptic brain

E Merelli, M Piangerelli, M Rucco, D Toller - Proceedings of the 9th EAI …, 2016 -
In this paper we propose a methodology based on Topogical Data Analysis (TDA) for
capturing when a complex system, represented by a multivariate time series, changes its …