Performance analysis of efficiently trusted AODV serving security in MANET under blackhole attack using genetic algorithm

I Nausheen, A Upadhyay - 2023 International Conference on …, 2023 -
The mobile nodes or systems in mobile ad hoc networks wirelessly transmit binary data. The
topology of the network is dynamic. Therefore, because of the network's wireless nature …

[PDF][PDF] IDS Against Black-Hole Attack for MANET.

M Abdel-Azim, HED Salah, ME Eissa - Int. J. Netw. Secur., 2018 -
Abstract Black-Hole and Gray-Hole attack considers two of the most affected kind of attacks
on the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET). Therefore, the use of intrusion detection system …

[PDF][PDF] Detection of black hole attack in mobile ad-hoc networks using ant colony optimization-simulation analysis

CV Anchugam, K Thangadurai - Indian Journal …, 2015 - …
Abstract Background: Security in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) is an essential
component for basic network function. Black hole attack may cause packet drop** …

Performance analysis of black hole attack in MANET

AT Kolade, MF Zuhairi, E Yafi, CL Zheng - Proceedings of the 11th …, 2017 -
The underlying element that supports the device communication in the MANET is the
wireless connection capability. Each node has the ability to communicate with other nodes …

ETSAODV: An Efficient and Trusted Secure AODV with Performance Analysis for MANETS suffering Blackhole Attack

I Nausheen, A Upadhyay - 2023 Third International Conference …, 2023 -
Each and every future network and wireless communication system's most crucial and
difficult component is Ad hoc mobile networks (MANETs) have been seen in applications …

Review on anticipation of blackhole attack in MANET environment

PD Balachandran - World Review of Science, Technology …, 2023 -
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a recent and develo** research subject among
analysts. The purpose for the ubiquity of MANET is adaptability and autonomy of system …

[PDF][PDF] A snapshot of black hole attack detection in MANET

MM Singh, A Singh, JK Mandal - International Journal of …, 2015 -
Black hole attack is a very common type of security attack found in Mobile Adhoc Network
(MANET). In Black hole attack, the malicious node attracts all the data packets towards it …

[PDF][PDF] Bait Request Algorithm to Mitigate Black Hole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

AT Kolade, MF Zuhairi, H Dao, S Khan - IJCSNS, 2016 -
In the recent years the number of mobile device have significantly increase and the high
bandwidth have led to the demand for Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET). The network offers …

[PDF][PDF] Broadcast ID based Detection and Correction of Black Hole in MANETs

P Vij, VK Banga, TP Singh - International Journal of Computer …, 2012 - Citeseer
ABSTRACT A wireless Adhoc network is a collection of mobile nodes with no pre-
established infrastructure, forming a temporary network. In the absence of a fixed …

[PDF][PDF] Key node oriented black hole attack and detection

YM Ding, H Wu - … and Computer Engineering (AICE 2016) and …, 2016 -
The key node oriented black hole attack means once the attack node is distributed near the
key nodes in the network, it will do serious damage to the network performance. Thus, in this …