Meteoritic minerals and their origins
About 435 mineral species have been identified in meteorites including native elements,
metals and metallic alloys, carbides, nitrides and oxynitrides, phosphides, silicides, sulfides …
metals and metallic alloys, carbides, nitrides and oxynitrides, phosphides, silicides, sulfides …
Chondrites and the protoplanetary disk
ERD Scott - Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 2007 - annualreviews.org
Major advances in deciphering the record of nebula processes in chondrites can be
attributed to analytical improvements that allow coordinated isotopic and mineralogical …
attributed to analytical improvements that allow coordinated isotopic and mineralogical …
Progressive aqueous alteration of CM carbonaceous chondrites
CM chondrites are aqueously altered rocks that contain∼ 9wt% H2O+ (ie, indigenous water)
bound in phyllosilicates; also present are clumps of serpentine-tochilinite intergrowths …
bound in phyllosilicates; also present are clumps of serpentine-tochilinite intergrowths …
Chondrule-like objects and Ca-Al-rich inclusions in Ryugu may potentially be the oldest Solar System materials
Chondrule-like objects and Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are discovered in the retuned
samples from asteroid Ryugu. Here we report results of oxygen isotope, mineralogical, and …
samples from asteroid Ryugu. Here we report results of oxygen isotope, mineralogical, and …
Time and duration of chondrule formation: Constraints from 26Al-26Mg ages of individual chondrules
Chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites belong to the oldest
and most primitive materials from the early solar system and record chemical and isotopic …
and most primitive materials from the early solar system and record chemical and isotopic …
Oxygen isotope ratios of FeO-poor chondrules in CR3 chondrites: Influence of dust enrichment and H2O during chondrule formation
We present detailed electron microprobe analyses and oxygen three-isotope measurements
by high precision secondary ion mass spectrometry on 45 type I (FeO-poor) …
by high precision secondary ion mass spectrometry on 45 type I (FeO-poor) …
High precision SIMS oxygen three isotope study of chondrules in LL3 chondrites: Role of ambient gas during chondrule formation
We report high precision SIMS oxygen three isotope analyses of 36 chondrules from some
of the least equilibrated LL3 chondrites, and find systematic variations in oxygen isotope …
of the least equilibrated LL3 chondrites, and find systematic variations in oxygen isotope …
Role of gas-melt interaction during chondrule formation
It is generally believed that most chondrules formed in the protoplanetary disk by melting of
fine-grained solid precursor materials and that during these melting events chondrules …
fine-grained solid precursor materials and that during these melting events chondrules …
Distribution of 26Al in the CR chondrite chondrule-forming region of the protoplanetary disk
We report on the mineralogy, petrography, and in situ measured oxygen-and magnesium-
isotope compositions of eight porphyritic chondrules (seven FeO-poor and one FeO-rich) …
isotope compositions of eight porphyritic chondrules (seven FeO-poor and one FeO-rich) …
Origin and chronology of chondritic components: A review
Mineralogical observations, chemical and oxygen–isotope compositions, absolute 207Pb–
206Pb ages and short-lived isotope systematics (7Be–7Li, 10Be–10B, 26Al–26Mg, 36Cl …
206Pb ages and short-lived isotope systematics (7Be–7Li, 10Be–10B, 26Al–26Mg, 36Cl …