Finding top-k similar graphs in graph databases
Querying similar graphs in graph databases has been widely studied in graph query
processing in recent years. Existing works mainly focus on subgraph similarity search and …
processing in recent years. Existing works mainly focus on subgraph similarity search and …
Clique and constraint models for maximum common (connected) subgraph problems
The maximum common subgraph problem is to find the largest subgraph common to two
given graphs. This problem can be solved either by constraint-based search, or by reduction …
given graphs. This problem can be solved either by constraint-based search, or by reduction …
High efficiency and quality: large graphs matching
Graph matching plays an essential role in many real applications. In this paper, we study
how to match two large graphs by maximizing the number of matched edges, which is …
how to match two large graphs by maximizing the number of matched edges, which is …
Training in VR: a preliminary study on learning assembly/disassembly sequences
This paper presents our ongoing work for operators training exploiting an immersive Mixed
Reality system. Users, immersed in a Virtual Environment, can be trained in assembling or …
Reality system. Users, immersed in a Virtual Environment, can be trained in assembling or …
Listing maximal subgraphs satisfying strongly accessible properties
Algorithms for listing the subgraphs satisfying a given property (eg, being a clique, a cut, a
cycle) fall within the general framework of set systems. A set system (U,F) consists of a …
cycle) fall within the general framework of set systems. A set system (U,F) consists of a …
The maximum common subgraph problem: Faster solutions via vertex cover
In the maximum common subgraph (MCS) problem, we are given a pair of graphs and
asked to find the largest induced subgraph common to them both. With its plethora of …
asked to find the largest induced subgraph common to them both. With its plethora of …
On maximum weight clique algorithms, and how they are evaluated
Maximum weight clique and maximum weight independent set solvers are often
benchmarked using maximum clique problem instances, with weights allocated to vertices …
benchmarked using maximum clique problem instances, with weights allocated to vertices …
Innovative computational methods for transcriptomic data analysis: A case study in the use of FPT for practical algorithm design and implementation
Tools of molecular biology and the evolving tools of genomics can now be exploited to study
the genetic regulatory mechanisms that control cellular responses to a wide variety of …
the genetic regulatory mechanisms that control cellular responses to a wide variety of …
Solving hard subgraph problems in parallel
C McCreesh - 2017 - theses.gla.ac.uk
This thesis improves the state of the art in exact, practical algorithms for finding subgraphs.
We study maximum clique, subgraph isomorphism, and maximum common subgraph …
We study maximum clique, subgraph isomorphism, and maximum common subgraph …
Fast Maximum Common Subgraph Search: A Redundancy-Reduced Backtracking Approach
Given two input graphs, finding the largest subgraph that occurs in both, ie, finding the
maximum common subgraph, is a fundamental operator for evaluating the similarity …
maximum common subgraph, is a fundamental operator for evaluating the similarity …