Residency and space use estimation methods based on passive acoustic telemetry data
Acoustic telemetry has helped overcome many of the challenges faced when studying the
movement ecology of aquatic species, allowing to obtain unprecedented amounts of data …
movement ecology of aquatic species, allowing to obtain unprecedented amounts of data …
Navigating through the r packages for movement
The advent of miniaturized biologging devices has provided ecologists with unprecedented
opportunities to record animal movement across scales, and led to the collection of ever …
opportunities to record animal movement across scales, and led to the collection of ever …
A comprehensive analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation
Home range estimation is routine practice in ecological research. While advances in animal
tracking technology have increased our capacity to collect data to support home range …
tracking technology have increased our capacity to collect data to support home range …
Recovery of a marine keystone predator transforms terrestrial predator–prey dynamics
Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) and wolves (Canis lupus) are two apex predators with strong and
cascading effects on ecosystem structure and function. After decades of recovery from near …
cascading effects on ecosystem structure and function. After decades of recovery from near …
Individual-based tracking systems in ornithology: welcome to the era of big data
P López-López - Ardeola, 2016 - BioOne
Technological innovations have led to exciting fast-moving developments in science. Today,
we are living in a technology-driven era of biological discovery. Consequently, tracking …
we are living in a technology-driven era of biological discovery. Consequently, tracking …
Communication hubs of an asocial cat are the source of a human–carnivore conflict and key to its solution
J Melzheimer, SK Heinrich, B Wasiolka… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 - pnas.org
Human–wildlife conflicts occur worldwide. Although many nonlethal mitigation solutions are
available, they rarely use the behavioral ecology of the conflict species to derive effective …
available, they rarely use the behavioral ecology of the conflict species to derive effective …
Using dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models to identify home range size and movement patterns in king cobras
Home range estimators are a critical component for understanding animal spatial ecology.
The choice of home range estimator in spatial ecology studies can significantly influence …
The choice of home range estimator in spatial ecology studies can significantly influence …
Using step‐selection functions to model landscape connectivity for African elephants: accounting for variability across individuals and seasons
L Osipova, MM Okello, SJ Njumbi, S Ngene… - Animal …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Landscape connectivity is an important component of systematic conservation planning.
Step‐selection functions (SSFs) is a highly promising method for connectivity modeling …
Step‐selection functions (SSFs) is a highly promising method for connectivity modeling …
Identifying home locations in human mobility data: an open-source R package for comparison and reproducibility
Identifying meaningful locations, such as home or work, from human mobility data has
become an increasingly common prerequisite for geographic research. Although location …
become an increasingly common prerequisite for geographic research. Although location …
Display site selection in a ground dwelling bird: the importance of viewshed
We studied the effects of visibility, female and male distribution, microhabitat and distance to
human infrastructure on display site selection in a ground-dwelling bird, the Canarian …
human infrastructure on display site selection in a ground-dwelling bird, the Canarian …