Social environment influences microbiota and potentially pathogenic bacterial communities on the skin of develo** birds

E Martínez-Renau, AM Martín-Platero, KH Bodawatta… - Animal Microbiome, 2024 - Springer
Background Animal bacterial symbionts are established early in life, either through vertical
transmission and/or by horizontal transmission from both the physical and the social …

Diversity and potential host-interactions of gut viruses in the black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis)

W Li, M Yu, Q Lin, Y Yao, H Xu, G He, J Zhao - Authorea Preprints, 2024 -
Less is known about the interaction of viruses with their prokaryotic host in the gut of wild
animal. Here we used fecal DNA metagenomic data (n= 24) from black-necked cranes …