Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions
The development and application of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) and other metaheuristics
for the optimisation of water resources systems has been an active research field for over …
for the optimisation of water resources systems has been an active research field for over …
State of the art for genetic algorithms and beyond in water resources planning and management
During the last two decades, the water resources planning and management profession has
seen a dramatic increase in the development and application of various types of …
seen a dramatic increase in the development and application of various types of …
Many objective robust decision making for complex environmental systems undergoing change
This paper introduces many objective robust decision making (MORDM). MORDM combines
concepts and methods from many objective evolutionary optimization and robust decision …
concepts and methods from many objective evolutionary optimization and robust decision …
A survey of recent trends in multiobjective optimal control—surrogate models, feedback control and objective reduction
Multiobjective optimization plays an increasingly important role in modern applications,
where several criteria are often of equal importance. The task in multiobjective optimization …
where several criteria are often of equal importance. The task in multiobjective optimization …
An investigation on noisy environments in evolutionary multiobjective optimization
CK Goh, KC Tan - IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In addition to satisfying several competing objectives, many real-world applications are also
characterized by a certain degree of noise, manifesting itself in the form of signal distortion …
characterized by a certain degree of noise, manifesting itself in the form of signal distortion …
Managing population and drought risks using many‐objective water portfolio planning under uncertainty
This study contributes a many‐objective analysis of the tradeoffs associated with using the
portfolio planning approach for managing the urban water supply risks posed by growing …
portfolio planning approach for managing the urban water supply risks posed by growing …
Balancing exploration, uncertainty and computational demands in many objective reservoir optimization
Reservoir operations are central to our ability to manage river basin systems serving
conflicting multi-sectoral demands under increasingly uncertain futures. These challenges …
conflicting multi-sectoral demands under increasingly uncertain futures. These challenges …
Reducing regional drought vulnerabilities and multi-city robustness conflicts using many-objective optimization under deep uncertainty
Emerging water scarcity concerns in many urban regions are associated with several deeply
uncertain factors, including rapid population growth, limited coordination across adjacent …
uncertain factors, including rapid population growth, limited coordination across adjacent …
An introduction to multiobjective simulation optimization
The multiobjective simulation optimization (MOSO) problem is a nonlinear multiobjective
optimization problem in which multiple simultaneous and conflicting objective functions can …
optimization problem in which multiple simultaneous and conflicting objective functions can …
Model-data interaction in groundwater studies: Review of methods, applications and future directions
We define model-data interaction (MDI) as a two way process between models and data, in
which on one hand data can serve the modeling purpose by supporting model …
which on one hand data can serve the modeling purpose by supporting model …