From room temperature to harsh temperature applications: Fundamentals and perspectives on electrolytes in zinc metal batteries
As one of the most competitive candidates for the next-generation energy storage systems,
the emerging rechargeable zinc metal battery (ZMB) is inevitably influenced by beyond …
the emerging rechargeable zinc metal battery (ZMB) is inevitably influenced by beyond …
Zinc anode for mild aqueous zinc-ion batteries: challenges, strategies, and perspectives
The rapid advance of mild aqueous zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) is driving the development of
the energy storage system market. But the thorny issues of Zn anodes, mainly including …
the energy storage system market. But the thorny issues of Zn anodes, mainly including …
A double-functional additive containing nucleophilic groups for high-performance Zn-ion batteries
J Wan, R Wang, Z Liu, L Zhang, F Liang, T Zhou… - ACS …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Aqueous zinc-ion batteries (AZIBs) have attracted attention for their low cost and
environmental friendliness. Unfortunately, commercialization has been hampered by several …
environmental friendliness. Unfortunately, commercialization has been hampered by several …
Polyhydroxylated organic molecular additives for durable aqueous zinc battery
The large‐scale deployment of aqueous Zn‐ion batteries is hindered by Zn anode instability
including surface corrosion, hydrogen gas evolution, and irregular Zn deposition. To tackle …
including surface corrosion, hydrogen gas evolution, and irregular Zn deposition. To tackle …
Production of gas-releasing electrolyte-replenishing Ah-scale zinc metal pouch cells with aqueous gel electrolyte
Aqueous zinc batteries are ideal candidates for grid-scale energy storage because of their
safety and low-cost aspects. However, the production of large-format aqueous Zn batteries is …
safety and low-cost aspects. However, the production of large-format aqueous Zn batteries is …
Chloride electrolyte enabled practical zinc metal battery with a near-unity Coulombic efficiency
Rechargeable aqueous zinc batteries are finding their niche in stationary storage
applications where safety, cost, scalability and carbon footprint matter most. However …
applications where safety, cost, scalability and carbon footprint matter most. However …
In‐Situ Integration of a Hydrophobic and Fast‐Zn2+‐Conductive Inorganic Interphase to Stabilize Zn Metal Anodes
M Liu, W Yuan, G Ma, K Qiu, X Nie, Y Liu… - Angewandte …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The irreversible issues of Zn anode stemming from dendrite growth and water‐induced
erosion have severely hindered the commercialization of rechargeable aqueous Zn …
erosion have severely hindered the commercialization of rechargeable aqueous Zn …
Guiding Zn Uniform Deposition with Polymer Additives for Long‐lasting and Highly Utilized Zn Metal Anodes
The parasitic side reaction on Zn anode is the key issue which hinders the development of
aqueous Zn‐based energy storage systems on power‐grid applications. Here, a polymer …
aqueous Zn‐based energy storage systems on power‐grid applications. Here, a polymer …
Engineering a self-adaptive electric double layer on both electrodes for high-performance zinc metal batteries
Y Lv, M Zhao, Y Du, Y Kang, Y **ao… - Energy & Environmental …, 2022 -
Zwitterionic ionic liquids (ZIL) contain covalently bound cationic and anionic moieties with
potential electrochemical applications. In this study, we construct a self-adaptive electric …
potential electrochemical applications. In this study, we construct a self-adaptive electric …
Regulating interfacial reaction through electrolyte chemistry enables gradient interphase for low-temperature zinc metal batteries
In situ formation of a stable interphase layer on zinc surface is an effective solution to
suppress dendrite growth. However, the fast transport of bivalent Zn-ions within the solid …
suppress dendrite growth. However, the fast transport of bivalent Zn-ions within the solid …