Entanglement Hamiltonians: from field theory to lattice models and experiments
Results about entanglement (or modular) Hamiltonians of quantum many‐body systems in
field theory and statistical mechanics models, and recent applications in the context of …
field theory and statistical mechanics models, and recent applications in the context of …
Exploring large-scale entanglement in quantum simulation
Entanglement is a distinguishing feature of quantum many-body systems, and uncovering
the entanglement structure for large particle numbers in quantum simulation experiments is …
the entanglement structure for large particle numbers in quantum simulation experiments is …
Universal entanglement spectrum in one-dimensional gapless symmetry protected topological states
Quantum entanglement marks a definitive feature of topological states. However, the
entanglement spectrum remains insufficiently explored for topological states without a bulk …
entanglement spectrum remains insufficiently explored for topological states without a bulk …
Quantum phase transition and critical behavior between the gapless topological phases
The phase transition between gapped topological phases represents a class of
unconventional criticality beyond the Landau paradigm. However, recent research has …
unconventional criticality beyond the Landau paradigm. However, recent research has …
Exact hydrodynamic description of symmetry-resolved Rényi entropies after a quantum quench
We investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of the symmetry-resolved Rényi entropies in a
one-dimensional gas of non-interacting spinless fermions by means of quantum generalised …
one-dimensional gas of non-interacting spinless fermions by means of quantum generalised …
Realizing the entanglement Hamiltonian of a topological quantum Hall system
Topological quantum many-body systems are characterized by a hidden order encoded in
the entanglement between their constituents. While entanglement is often quantified using …
the entanglement between their constituents. While entanglement is often quantified using …
Algorithmic shadow spectroscopy
We present shadow spectroscopy as a simulator-agnostic quantum algorithm for estimating
energy gaps using very few circuit repetitions (shots) and no extra resources (ancilla qubits) …
energy gaps using very few circuit repetitions (shots) and no extra resources (ancilla qubits) …
Demonstrating the wormhole mechanism of the entanglement spectrum via a perturbed boundary
The Li-Haldane conjecture is one of the most famous conjectures in physics and opens a
new research area in the quantum entanglement and topological phase. Although a lot of …
new research area in the quantum entanglement and topological phase. Although a lot of …
Randomized measurement protocols for lattice gauge theories
Randomized measurement protocols, including classical shadows, entanglement
tomography, and randomized benchmarking are powerful techniques to estimate …
tomography, and randomized benchmarking are powerful techniques to estimate …
Entanglement Hamiltonian during a domain wall melting in the free Fermi chain
We study the unitary time evolution of the entanglement Hamiltonian of a free Fermi lattice
gas in one dimension initially prepared in a domain wall configuration. To this aim, we …
gas in one dimension initially prepared in a domain wall configuration. To this aim, we …