The biology of aging in a social world: insights from free-ranging rhesus macaques
Social adversity can increase the age-associated risk of disease and death, yet the
biological mechanisms that link social adversities to aging remain poorly understood. Long …
biological mechanisms that link social adversities to aging remain poorly understood. Long …
The rhesus macaque as a success story of the Anthropocene
Of all the non-human primate species studied by researchers, the rhesus macaque (Macaca
mulatta) is likely the most widely used across biological disciplines. Rhesus macaques have …
mulatta) is likely the most widely used across biological disciplines. Rhesus macaques have …
Early life adversity has sex-dependent effects on survival across the lifespan in rhesus macaques
Exposure to early life adversity is linked to detrimental fitness outcomes across taxa. Owing
to the challenges of collecting longitudinal data, direct evidence for long-term fitness effects …
to the challenges of collecting longitudinal data, direct evidence for long-term fitness effects …
Comparative Context of Hard‐Tissue Sexual Dimorphism in Early Hominins: Implications for Alpha Taxonomy
Sexual dimorphism is one of the main factors confounding attempts to generate sound alpha
taxonomic hypotheses in the early hominin fossil record. To better understand how between …
taxonomic hypotheses in the early hominin fossil record. To better understand how between …
Balancing act: an interdisciplinary exploration of trade-offs in reproducing females
Trade-offs resulting from the high demand of offspring production are a central focus of many
subdisciplines within the field of biology. Yet, despite the historical and current interest on …
subdisciplines within the field of biology. Yet, despite the historical and current interest on …
Mechanical and morphometric approaches to body mass estimation in rhesus macaques: A test of skeletal variables
Objectives Estimation of body mass from skeletal metrics can reveal important insights into
the paleobiology of archeological or fossil remains. The standard approach constructs …
the paleobiology of archeological or fossil remains. The standard approach constructs …
History of health at Cayo Santiago—An investigation of environmental and genetic influences on the skeletal remains of the introduced Rhesus macaque (Macaca …
ABSTRACT The Cayo Santiago rhesus macaque colony is a renowned primate population
that has experienced significant natural and anthropogenic ecological variation in their 85 …
that has experienced significant natural and anthropogenic ecological variation in their 85 …
Size, Scaling, and Sexual Size Dimorphism in Wild South African Thick-Tailed Greater Galagos (Otolemur crassicaudatus)
The developmental bases of sexual size dimorphism vary across primates, with important
implications for understanding the evolution of dimorphism. Here, we explore adult sexual …
implications for understanding the evolution of dimorphism. Here, we explore adult sexual …
Elemental composition of primary lamellar bone differs between parous and nulliparous rhesus macaque females
Extracting life history information from mineralized hard tissues of extant and extinct species
is an ongoing challenge in evolutionary and conservation studies. Primary lamellar bone is …
is an ongoing challenge in evolutionary and conservation studies. Primary lamellar bone is …
Genetic Correlations Among Dental, Mandibular, and Postcranial Dimensions in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Objectives Tooth dimensions typically scale with mandibular and postcranial size in
primates, although the exact pattern of scaling varies. This study assesses whether …
primates, although the exact pattern of scaling varies. This study assesses whether …