Algal turf sediments on coral reefs: what's known and what's next
Algal turfs are likely to rise in prominence on coral reefs in the Anthropocene. In these
ecosystems the sediments bound within algal turfs will shape ecosystem functions and the …
ecosystems the sediments bound within algal turfs will shape ecosystem functions and the …
Early recovery dynamics of turbid coral reefs after recurring bleaching events
The worlds' coral reefs are declining due to the combined effects of natural disturbances and
anthropogenic pressures including thermal coral bleaching associated with global climate …
anthropogenic pressures including thermal coral bleaching associated with global climate …
Long‐term dynamics and drivers of coral and macroalgal cover on inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Quantifying the role of biophysical and anthropogenic drivers of coral reef ecosystem
processes can inform management strategies that aim to maintain or restore ecosystem …
processes can inform management strategies that aim to maintain or restore ecosystem …
[HTML][HTML] Bio-physical determinants of sediment accumulation on an offshore coral reef: A snapshot study
Sediments are found on all coral reefs around the globe. However, the amount of sediment
in different reservoirs, and the rates at which sediments move between reservoirs, can …
in different reservoirs, and the rates at which sediments move between reservoirs, can …
A snapshot of sediment dynamics on an inshore coral reef
Sediments are ubiquitous on coral reefs. However, studies of reef sediments have largely
focused on isolated reservoirs, or processes, and rarely consider hydrodynamic drivers. We …
focused on isolated reservoirs, or processes, and rarely consider hydrodynamic drivers. We …
The limited role of herbivorous fishes and turf-based trophic pathways in the functioning of turbid coral reefs
Herbivorous fishes, and the productivity of algal turfs, are widely viewed as central to the
functioning of coral reefs. This understanding is largely based on clear-water reefs. Our …
functioning of coral reefs. This understanding is largely based on clear-water reefs. Our …
Physical, biological and anthropogenic drivers of spatial patterns of coral reef fish assemblages at regional and local scales
Species abundance, diversity and community assemblage structure are determined by
multiple physical, habitat and management drivers that operate across multiple spatial …
multiple physical, habitat and management drivers that operate across multiple spatial …
Local habitat composition and complexity outweigh seascape effects on fish distributions across a tropical seascape
Context The distribution of animals is influenced by a complex interplay of landscape,
environmental, habitat, and anthropogenic factors. While the effects of each of these forces …
environmental, habitat, and anthropogenic factors. While the effects of each of these forces …
The study of sediments on coral reefs: a hydrodynamic perspective
There is a rich literature on coral reef sediments. However, this knowledge is spread among
research fields, and the extent to which major sediment reservoirs and reservoir connecting …
research fields, and the extent to which major sediment reservoirs and reservoir connecting …
Low bioerosion rates on inshore turbid reefs of Western Australia
Bioerosion on inshore reefs is expected to increase with global climate change reducing
reef stability and accretionary potential. Most studies investigating bioerosion have focused …
reef stability and accretionary potential. Most studies investigating bioerosion have focused …