[HTML][HTML] Changes in travel behaviors and intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period: A case study of China
The COVID-19 pandemic severely hit the tourism industry in China and worldwide. Chinese
government adopted extensive nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to control it. COVID …
government adopted extensive nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to control it. COVID …
Impact of digital Sharia banking systems on cash-waqf among Indonesian Muslim youth
Purpose Cash-waqf is one of the transformative models of waqf assets submission to
optimize the receipt of waqf of money in Indonesia. Currently, cash-waqf can be paid …
optimize the receipt of waqf of money in Indonesia. Currently, cash-waqf can be paid …
Understanding student acceptance of online learning systems in higher education: Application of social psychology theories with consideration of user innovativeness
The COVID-19 pandemic has created the opportunity to conduct a huge experiment with
online classes in the university setting. The objectives of this study are (1) to provide obvious …
online classes in the university setting. The objectives of this study are (1) to provide obvious …
Innovative marketing strategies for the successful construction of drone food delivery services: Merging TAM with TPB
This study merged the technology acceptance model (TAM) with the theory of planned
behavior (TPB) to examine how to form behavioral intentions in the context of drone food …
behavior (TPB) to examine how to form behavioral intentions in the context of drone food …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of COVID-19 on consumer behaviour in Saudi Arabia: Switching from brick and mortar stores to E-Commerce
Individuals 'adoption has been reckoned as an important indicator of the success of new
technology. Hence, it is crucial to identify the reasons why individuals choose to use or not to …
technology. Hence, it is crucial to identify the reasons why individuals choose to use or not to …
Eliciting attitudinal factors affecting the continuance use of E-scooters: An empirical study in Chicago
As e-scooters become more popular, service providers and policymakers are seeking ways
to retain the existing customers and encourage them to continue to use e-scooters in the …
to retain the existing customers and encourage them to continue to use e-scooters in the …
Modeling eco-friendly house purchasing intention: a combined study of PLS-SEM and fsQCA approaches
Purpose The urgency to address climate change and its devastating consequences has
never been more pressing. As societies become increasingly aware of the detrimental …
never been more pressing. As societies become increasingly aware of the detrimental …
Understanding bike sharing use over time by employing extended technology continuance theory
The wide acceptance of bike sharing services depends on the consumers' continuing use of
bike sharing services. Facilitating users' continuance intentions and retaining consumers are …
bike sharing services. Facilitating users' continuance intentions and retaining consumers are …
Intention of Chinese college students to use carsharing: An application of the theory of planned behavior
Y Zhang, L Li - Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Carsharing originated in Europe and then expanded to developed countries such as the
United States. With the revival and popularity of the “Sharing Economy,” carsharing has …
United States. With the revival and popularity of the “Sharing Economy,” carsharing has …
eHUBs—Identifying the potential early and late adopters of shared electric mobility hubs
Shared electric mobility hubs, or eHUBs, offer users access to a range of shared electric
vehicles on demand. However, little is currently known about what the characteristics of …
vehicles on demand. However, little is currently known about what the characteristics of …