Risk perception in gambling: A systematic review
M Spurrier, A Blaszczynski - Journal of Gambling Studies, 2014 - Springer
Perception of the consequences of risk affects motivation and behaviour. In gambling,
distorted expectations and preferences towards outcomes are associated with significant …
distorted expectations and preferences towards outcomes are associated with significant …
[HTML][HTML] Making “bad trips” good: How users of psychedelics narratively transform challenging trips into valuable experiences
Background We study the significance of stories about bad trips among users of
psychedelics. Drawing on narrative theory, we describe the characteristics of such stories …
psychedelics. Drawing on narrative theory, we describe the characteristics of such stories …
Construct definition and scale development for defensive information processing: an application to colorectal cancer screening.
Objective: Individuals have a large repertoire of defensive strategies for dealing with
personally relevant negative feedback including health risk information. Defensive …
personally relevant negative feedback including health risk information. Defensive …
What have we learned from five decades of neutralization research?
Neutralization theory, though a popular framework for understanding deviant behavior,
remains badly underdeveloped. Few attempts have been made to connect it to narrative and …
remains badly underdeveloped. Few attempts have been made to connect it to narrative and …
Why people don't take their concerns about fair trade to the supermarket: The role of neutralisation
This article explores how neutralisation can explain people's lack of commitment to buying
Fair Trade (FT) products, even when they identify FT as an ethical concern. It examines the …
Fair Trade (FT) products, even when they identify FT as an ethical concern. It examines the …
Incompetent or too competent? Negotiating everyday cycling identities in a motor dominated society
R Aldred - Mobilities, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This article uses the concept of stigma to explore cycling identities in the UK. Drawing on
interview data, it argues that people who cycle are caught between two threats: appearing …
interview data, it argues that people who cycle are caught between two threats: appearing …
Could attitudes toward COVID-19 in Spain render men more vulnerable than women?
The COVID-19 pandemic affects the whole world. Spain is 5th in the world and 3rd in
Europe with the largest number of diagnosed cases. Spanish citizens' attitudes are important …
Europe with the largest number of diagnosed cases. Spanish citizens' attitudes are important …
[KNYGA][B] Planning in ten words or less: A Lacanian entanglement with spatial planning
This book takes a Lacanian, and related post-structuralist perspective to demythologize ten
of the most heavily utilised terms in spatial planning: rationality, the good, certainty, risk …
of the most heavily utilised terms in spatial planning: rationality, the good, certainty, risk …
Cannabis normalization and stigma: Contemporary practices of moral regulation
AD Hathaway, NC Comeau… - Criminology & Criminal …, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Cannabis (marijuana) has undergone a normalizing process as indicated by high use rates,
social tolerance, and broader cultural acceptance of its use in many countries. Yet …
social tolerance, and broader cultural acceptance of its use in many countries. Yet …
'Silk Road', the virtual drug marketplace: A single case study of user experiences
Background: The online promotion of 'drug shop**'and user information networks is of
increasing public health and law enforcement concern. An online drug marketplace called …
increasing public health and law enforcement concern. An online drug marketplace called …