Re-routing migration geographies: Migrants, trajectories and mobility regimes
This special issue consists of a collection of papers that aims to gain a better understanding
of the experiences, practices and politics of mobility in a geo-political context in which …
of the experiences, practices and politics of mobility in a geo-political context in which …
Contending with coloniality: Unsettling migration narratives of Venezuelans in Peru
This article explores how Venezuelan migrants in Peru negotiate sometimes-contradictory
notions of identity, solidarity and modernity. Building from decolonial scholarship, it argues …
notions of identity, solidarity and modernity. Building from decolonial scholarship, it argues …
[HTML][HTML] Translocal learning approach: A new form of collective learning for sustainability
This study aims to theoretically propose translocal learning approach as a new form of
collective learning for sustainability. The main purpose of translocal learning is to create an …
collective learning for sustainability. The main purpose of translocal learning is to create an …
“Today I am a Russian-Moroccan”: Cultural transition among Gen 1.5 immigrant women in Israel's geo-social periphery
The study highlights the unique experiences of socio-cultural transition among young ex-
Soviet immigrant women who spent their formative years in Israel's urban periphery among …
Soviet immigrant women who spent their formative years in Israel's urban periphery among …
Everyday Politics of Mobility: Translocal Livelihoods and Illegalisation in the Global South
This article contributes to migration and livelihood scholarship by reflecting on global and
political dimensions of livelihoods and experiences of illegalisation in Central America …
political dimensions of livelihoods and experiences of illegalisation in Central America …
[HTML][HTML] Mujeres latinoamericanas inmigrantes en España: experiencias de racismo y asimilación
C Hernández Martínez, P Vilanova Becker - Derecho PUCP, 2022 - scielo.org.pe
Desde los campos de los estudios de género y la antropología, este estudio interdisciplinar
analiza las experiencias racistas vividas por mujeres latinoamericanas inmigrantes en …
analiza las experiencias racistas vividas por mujeres latinoamericanas inmigrantes en …
Transnational families and mobility regimes
The modern world is in continual flux, with people, objects, capital, information and ideas
constantly circulating globally. With the immense increase in the scale of travel across the …
constantly circulating globally. With the immense increase in the scale of travel across the …
[PDF][PDF] " Transforming Lives: Unraveling Stakeholders' Dynamics and Coordination Strategies in Intervention Programs for the Empowerment of Kayayei in Ghana
SA Batse - thesis.eur.nl
This research paper delves into the complexities of the coordination of intervention for
Kayayei, a marginalized group of women and girls hailing predominantly from Northern …
Kayayei, a marginalized group of women and girls hailing predominantly from Northern …
Social Protection on the Move: a transnational exploration of Nicaraguan migrant women's engagement with social protection in Spain and Nicaragua
CG Guharay Gómez - 2019 - repub.eur.nl
This research paper examines Nicaraguan migrant women's engagement with transnational
social protection (TSP) in Spain and Nicaragua. Although in recent years TSP has emerged …
social protection (TSP) in Spain and Nicaragua. Although in recent years TSP has emerged …
PV BECKER - revistas.pucp.edu.pe
Desde los campos de los estudios de género y la antropología, este estudio interdisciplinar
analiza las experiencias racistas vividas por mujeres latinoamericanas inmigrantes en …
analiza las experiencias racistas vividas por mujeres latinoamericanas inmigrantes en …