Analytical cognitive style moderation on promotion and turnover intention
Purpose This paper argues that teachers' promotion should also have an impact on turnover
intention. The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between promotion and …
intention. The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between promotion and …
[PDF][PDF] Antecedents and consequence of employee turnover intention: Empirical evidence from Ghana
MA Gyensare, EA Otoo, JA Asare… - Management …, 2015 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
“The challenge today is not just retaining talented people, but fully engaging them, capturing
their minds and hearts at each stage of their work lives”(Lockwood, 2007, p. 1). While …
their minds and hearts at each stage of their work lives”(Lockwood, 2007, p. 1). While …
The effect of work-related attitudes on turnover intention in public higher education institution: the case of Arba Minch University, Ethiopia
W Demlie, H Endris - Advanced Journal of Social Science, 2021 - journals.aijr.org
For any organization, the most important challenge is to retain a talented workforce. In order
to retain a talented workforce, it is very important to identify factors that affect the intention of …
to retain a talented workforce, it is very important to identify factors that affect the intention of …
[PDF][PDF] Moderating intuition effect on cognitive style relationship concerning promotion and turnover intentions among academicians
Cognition describes a person's typical mode of thinking, perceiving, remembering, or
problem solving. Cognitive style is usually described as a personality dimension Job …
problem solving. Cognitive style is usually described as a personality dimension Job …
[PDF][PDF] Does gender discrimination affect turnover intention? empirical evidence from academia in Pakistan
FA Shah - City University Research Journal, 2018 - cusitjournals.com
Gender discrimination has widely been accepted as social characteristics that affects human
behavior. Its intensity differs with change in culture, socio-economic conditions of the people …
behavior. Its intensity differs with change in culture, socio-economic conditions of the people …
[PDF][PDF] Psychological capital and its relationship to work attitudes in Imam Khomeini Shazand Oil Refining Company
S Ghaffaripour - Stud, 2014 - researchgate.net
* Corresponding author's Email: ghaffaripours@ yahoo. com ABSTRACT: Growing demands
in finding new strategies to maximize organizational effectiveness have resulted in …
in finding new strategies to maximize organizational effectiveness have resulted in …
[PDF][PDF] To cite this document: Abdul Halim Busari Yasir Hayat Mughal Sajjad Nawaz Khan Shahid Rasool Asif Ayub Kiyani,(2017)," Analytical cognitive style …
AHBYH Mughal - academia.edu
Among all the employees in the world promotion is considered a very important element, in
the job. In the promotion procedure the employers do not use the procedures for promotion …
the job. In the promotion procedure the employers do not use the procedures for promotion …
[PDF][PDF] The Assessment of Organizational Commitment of Academic Staff at University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
C Ntuli - 2018 - core.ac.uk
Organisational commitment refers to as the degree which an employee finds synergy in the
goals and values of an organisation and is willing to exert great effort to stay within the …
goals and values of an organisation and is willing to exert great effort to stay within the …
KDANK PENSYARAH, CD WULANSARI - 2019 - etd.uum.edu.my
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk membincangkan dan memperjelaskan peranan analisis
tulisan tangan dalam mengenal pasti kecekapan dan komitmen pensyarah. Kajian ini …
tulisan tangan dalam mengenal pasti kecekapan dan komitmen pensyarah. Kajian ini …
[การอ้างอิง][C] Employee turnover intention. Empirical evidence from the Savings and Loans Companies in Ghana
MA Gyensare - 2016 - GRIN Verlag