Deconstructing climate science denial

J Cook - Research handbook on communicating climate change, 2020 -
Numerous studies have found overwhelming scientific consensus on human-caused global
warming in the scientific literature (Cook et al. 2013; Oreskes 2004) and among the scientific …

“Global warming” versus “climate change” and the influence of labeling on public perceptions

JP Schuldt - Oxford research encyclopedia of climate science, 2016 -
Communicating about climate change involves more than choices about which content to
convey and how to convey it. It also involves a choice about how to label the issue itself …

Dyskursy katastrofy klimatycznej

L Kopciewicz - Ars Educandi, 2021 -
Nieobecne dyskursy były przełomowym, dla polskiego środowiska pedagogów, zbiorem
tekstów ukazujących perspektywy i podejścia badawcze amerykańskiej i europejskiej …

Toplumsal İklim Krizi Algısının İklim Politikaları Üzerindeki Etkisi

DT Gülcan - Uluslararası Ekonomi Siyaset İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri … -
Son yıllarda gerçekleşen doğal felaketlerin artışı, bölgesel aşırı yağışlar, yangınlar ve
kuraklık gibi faktörler, iklim krizinin toplum gözünde bir uyarı niteliğinden çıkarak somut bir …