Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry of a superconducting qubit in front of a mirror
We investigate the Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry of a
superconducting qubit in a semi-infinite transmission line terminated by a mirror. The …
superconducting qubit in a semi-infinite transmission line terminated by a mirror. The …
Coherent dynamics of a photon-dressed qubit
We consider the dynamics and stationary regime of a capacitively shunted transmon-type
qubit in front of a mirror. The qubit is affected by probe and dressing signals. By varying the …
qubit in front of a mirror. The qubit is affected by probe and dressing signals. By varying the …
Driving-induced resonance narrowing in a strongly coupled cavity-qubit system
We study a system consisting of a superconducting flux qubit strongly coupled to a
microwave cavity. Externally applied qubit driving is employed in order to manipulate the …
microwave cavity. Externally applied qubit driving is employed in order to manipulate the …
Interferometry and dynamics of a transmon-type qubit in front of a mirror
MP Liul - arxiv preprint arxiv:2401.03627, 2024 - arxiv.org
We theoretically describe the stationary regime and coherent dynamics of a capacitively
shunted transmon-type qubit which is placed in front of a mirror. The considered qubit is …
shunted transmon-type qubit which is placed in front of a mirror. The considered qubit is …
[PDF][PDF] Advances in quasi-periodic and large commensurate systems
Non-commensurate or quasi-periodic systems attract much attention as they show
interesting new phenomena and emergent phases that have been implemented in recent …
interesting new phenomena and emergent phases that have been implemented in recent …