Carbonates in the critical zone
Abstract Earth's Critical Zone (CZ), the near‐surface layer where rock is weathered and
landscapes co‐evolve with life, is profoundly influenced by the type of underlying bedrock …
landscapes co‐evolve with life, is profoundly influenced by the type of underlying bedrock …
Carbonate minerals in the global carbon cycle
JB Martin - Chemical Geology, 2017 - Elsevier
Carbonate minerals constitute Earth's largest C reservoir. This reservoir is considered
unimportant to the global C cycle over long periods of time (eg,> 10 6 yrs) because it …
unimportant to the global C cycle over long periods of time (eg,> 10 6 yrs) because it …
Karst water resources in a changing world: Review of solute transport modeling approaches
Karst water resources are valuable freshwater sources for around 10% of the world's
population. Nonetheless, anthropogenic impacts and global changes have seriously …
population. Nonetheless, anthropogenic impacts and global changes have seriously …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of global and climate change on the freshwater-seawater interface movement in a Mediterranean karst aquifer of Mallorca Island
D Puigserver, J Giménez, F Gràcia, À Granell… - Science of The Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Karst aquifers are globally prized freshwater sources, posing a significant preservation
challenge. These aquifers typically exhibit dual or even triple porosities, encompassing …
challenge. These aquifers typically exhibit dual or even triple porosities, encompassing …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical modeling and sensitivity analysis of seawater intrusion in a dual-permeability coastal karst aquifer with conduit networks
Long-distance seawater intrusion has been widely observed through the subsurface conduit
system in coastal karst aquifers as a source of groundwater contaminant. In this study …
system in coastal karst aquifers as a source of groundwater contaminant. In this study …
Long distance seawater intrusion through a karst conduit network in the Woodville Karst Plain, Florida
Z Xu, SW Bassett, B Hu, SB Dyer - Scientific Reports, 2016 - nature.com
Five periods of increased electrical conductivity have been found in the karst conduits
supplying one of the largest first magnitude springs in Florida with water. Numerous well …
supplying one of the largest first magnitude springs in Florida with water. Numerous well …
Hydrochemical properties and chemocline of the Sansha Yongle blue hole in the South China Sea
L **e, B Wang, X Pu, M **n, P He, C Li, Q Wei… - Science of the Total …, 2019 - Elsevier
Blue holes can provide valuable information regarding paleoclimate, climate change, karst
processes, marine ecology, and carbonate geochemistry. The Sansha Yongle Blue Hole …
processes, marine ecology, and carbonate geochemistry. The Sansha Yongle Blue Hole …
Carbonate mounds in the Santaren Channel, Bahamas: a current-dominated periplatform depositional regime
New hydroacoustic data, high resolution multichannel seismic reflection data, CTD casts
and sampling document the dominance of bottom currents and the occurrence of carbonate …
and sampling document the dominance of bottom currents and the occurrence of carbonate …
Holocene sedimentation in a blue hole surrounded by carbonate tidal flats in The Bahamas: Autogenic versus allogenic processes
Abstract The sediment in North Atlantic blue holes preserves paleoclimate records.
However, accurate paleoclimate reconstructions require an improved understanding of …
However, accurate paleoclimate reconstructions require an improved understanding of …
Vadose CO2 gas drives dissolution at water tables in eogenetic karst aquifers more than mixing dissolution
Most models of cave formation in limestone that remains near its depositional environment
and has not been deeply buried (ie eogenetic limestone) invoke dissolution from mixing of …
and has not been deeply buried (ie eogenetic limestone) invoke dissolution from mixing of …