Preparation of atomically clean surfaces of selected elements: A review
RG Musket, W McLean, CA Colmenares… - Applications of Surface …, 1982 - Elsevier
Surface cleaning procedures for seventy four of the elements having vapor pressures below
1.3× 10− 7 Pa at room temperature have been reviewed and evaluated. The emphasis was …
1.3× 10− 7 Pa at room temperature have been reviewed and evaluated. The emphasis was …
Auger catalog calculated transition energies listed by energy and element
WA Coghlan, RE Clausing - Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 1973 - Elsevier
The possible Auger transitions between 10 and 3000 eV for the elements from atomic
number 3 through 92 have been calculated for 6000 eV incident electrons. Use was made of …
number 3 through 92 have been calculated for 6000 eV incident electrons. Use was made of …
AES and XPS study of thin RF-sputtered Ta2O5 layers
E Atanassova, T Dimitrova, J Koprinarova - Applied Surface Science, 1995 - Elsevier
The elemental composition and the chemical bonding in RF-sputtered tantalum oxide (4–75
nm) on Si, obtained by reactive sputtering of Ta in an Ar O2 mixture, have been studied by …
nm) on Si, obtained by reactive sputtering of Ta in an Ar O2 mixture, have been studied by …
A study of Ru (0001) and Rh (111) surfaces using LEED and Auger electron spectroscopy
JT Grant, TW Haas - Surface Science, 1970 - Elsevier
Clean Ru (0001) and Rh (111) surfaces show no atomic rearrangement. The Auger electron
spectra from the clean surfaces are very similar and are indexed in terms of electronic …
spectra from the clean surfaces are very similar and are indexed in terms of electronic …
Chemical effects in Auger electron spectroscopy
TW Haas, JT Grant, GJ Dooley Iii - Journal of Applied Physics, 1972 - pubs.aip.org
The effects of a change in the chemical environment of an atom in a surface region are
manifested in several subtle ways on the measured Auger electron spectra. The first, a shift …
manifested in several subtle ways on the measured Auger electron spectra. The first, a shift …
Chemisorption studies on cobalt single crystal surfaces: I. Carbon monoxide on Co (0001)
ME Bridge, CM Comrie, RM Lambert - Surface Science, 1977 - Elsevier
The chemisorption of CO on Co (0001) and on a polycrystalline specimen has been studied
by LEED, Auger spectroscopy, and thermal desorption measurements. Annealing of the …
by LEED, Auger spectroscopy, and thermal desorption measurements. Annealing of the …
Photoelectric work function of a molybdenum single crystal for the (100),(110),(111),(112),(114), and (332) faces
S Berge, PO Gartland, BJ Slagsvold - Surface Science, 1974 - Elsevier
The photoelectric work function was measured for six faces of a molybdenum single crystal.
The crystal was cleaned by repeated cycles of ion bombardment and annealing at 920K …
The crystal was cleaned by repeated cycles of ion bombardment and annealing at 920K …
The segregation and oxidation of silicon on Pt (111), OR: The question of the “platinum oxide”
HP Bonzel, AM Franken, G Pirug - Surface Science, 1981 - Elsevier
The appearance of so-called Pt oxide is correlated with the presence of oxide forming bulk
impurities segregating to the surface during O2 exposures at high temperature. This …
impurities segregating to the surface during O2 exposures at high temperature. This …
Electron emission and ion desorption spectroscopy of clean and oxidized Ti (0001)
E Bertel, R Stockbauer, TE Madey - Surface Science, 1984 - Elsevier
The electronic structure of Ti (0001) has been investigated by energy loss spectroscopy
(ELS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) …
(ELS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) …
Oxygen chemisorption, surface oxidation, and the oxidation of carbon monoxide on cobalt (0001)
ME Bridge, RM Lambert - Surface Science, 1979 - Elsevier
Oxygen chemisorbs on clean Co (0001) at 300 K with an initial sticking probability of~ 0.3.
The chemisorbed overlayer (which is very reactive towards CO) readily undergoes …
The chemisorbed overlayer (which is very reactive towards CO) readily undergoes …