Recent advances and applications of surrogate models for finite element method computations: a review
The utilization of surrogate models to approximate complex systems has recently gained
increased popularity. Because of their capability to deal with black-box problems and lower …
increased popularity. Because of their capability to deal with black-box problems and lower …
A classification-based surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for expensive many-objective optimization
Surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms (SAEAs) have been developed mainly for
solving expensive optimization problems where only a small number of real fitness …
solving expensive optimization problems where only a small number of real fitness …
A surrogate-assisted reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm for computationally expensive many-objective optimization
We propose a surrogate-assisted reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm (EA) for
computationally expensive optimization problems with more than three objectives. The …
computationally expensive optimization problems with more than three objectives. The …
A survey on handling computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems with evolutionary algorithms
Evolutionary algorithms are widely used for solving multiobjective optimization problems but
are often criticized because of a large number of function evaluations needed …
are often criticized because of a large number of function evaluations needed …
Balancing objective optimization and constraint satisfaction in expensive constrained evolutionary multi-objective optimization
In dealing with expensive constrained multiobjective optimization problems using surrogate-
assisted evolutionary algorithms, it is a great challenge to reduce the negative impact …
assisted evolutionary algorithms, it is a great challenge to reduce the negative impact …
A multiple surrogate assisted decomposition-based evolutionary algorithm for expensive multi/many-objective optimization
Many-objective optimization problems (MaOPs) contain four or more conflicting objectives to
be optimized. A number of efficient decomposition-based evolutionary algorithms have been …
be optimized. A number of efficient decomposition-based evolutionary algorithms have been …
Surrogate-assisted evolutionary optimisation: a novel blueprint and a state of the art survey
Abstract Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Optimisation algorithms are a specialized brand of
optimisers developed to undertake problems with computationally expensive fitness …
optimisers developed to undertake problems with computationally expensive fitness …
An ensemble surrogate-based framework for expensive multiobjective evolutionary optimization
Surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms (SAEAs) have become very popular for tackling
computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems (EMOPs), as the surrogate …
computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems (EMOPs), as the surrogate …
Expensive multiobjective evolutionary optimization assisted by dominance prediction
We propose a new surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for expensive multiobjective
optimization. Two classification-based surrogate models are used, which can predict the …
optimization. Two classification-based surrogate models are used, which can predict the …
Surrogate‐assisted multicriteria optimization: Complexities, prospective solutions, and business case
Complexity in solving real‐world multicriteria optimization problems often stems from the fact
that complex, expensive, and/or time‐consuming simulation tools or physical experiments …
that complex, expensive, and/or time‐consuming simulation tools or physical experiments …