A review on recent advances in sandwich structures based on polyurethane foam cores
Sandwich composites with a polyurethane foam (PUF) core have become a versatile set of
materials with applications ranging from basic construction elements to advanced …
materials with applications ranging from basic construction elements to advanced …
Behavior and fatigue life assessment of orthotropic steel decks: A state-of-the-art-review
H Abdelbaset, Z Zhu - Structures, 2024 - Elsevier
Orthotropic steel decks (OSDs) have been commonly used worldwide in medium and long-
span steel bridges due to their exceptional structural properties, such as lightweight, high …
span steel bridges due to their exceptional structural properties, such as lightweight, high …
Proactive strengthening of U-rib butt-welded joints in steel bridge decks using adhesively bonded Fe-SMA strips
Z Lv, X Jiang, X Qiang, W Chen - Engineering Structures, 2024 - Elsevier
U-rib butt-welded joints are one of typical fatigue-prone details in early aging orthotropic
steel bridge decks, which poses a potential threat to the structural behavior and safe …
steel bridge decks, which poses a potential threat to the structural behavior and safe …
Transverse fatigue behaviour of steel-UHPC composite deck with large-size U-ribs
With increasing traffic volumes, fatigue of orthotropic steel decks (OSDs) has become a
critical issue in recent years. In this study, an innovative composite deck composed of large …
critical issue in recent years. In this study, an innovative composite deck composed of large …
An experimental investigation into fatigue behaviors of single-and double-sided U rib welds in orthotropic bridge decks
In this study, the fatigue resistance properties of single-and double-sided welded joints in
OBD are investigated using the traction structural stress method by conducting experimental …
OBD are investigated using the traction structural stress method by conducting experimental …
Static and fatigue test on lightweight UHPC-OSD composite bridge deck system subjected to hogging moment
A cost-effective Lightweight Composite Bridge Deck (LCBD) system, including Orthotropic
Steel Deck (OSD) and lightweight Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) layer is …
Steel Deck (OSD) and lightweight Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) layer is …
Fatigue behavior of orthotropic composite deck integrating steel and engineered cementitious composite
Orthotropic steel decks offer many advantages in bridges, but they are prone to fatigue
damage. One of the effective approaches to increase the fatigue resistance is to enhance …
damage. One of the effective approaches to increase the fatigue resistance is to enhance …
An investigation on fatigue crack propagation behavior of welded connections in UHPC reinforced OSDs using 3D crack simulation
H Abdelbaset, B Cheng, S **ang, L Tian - Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
Fatigue performance of orthotropic steel decks (OSDs) is one of the concerns that should be
carefully considered, since OSD is reported as one of the most structures experiencing …
carefully considered, since OSD is reported as one of the most structures experiencing …
Fatigue assessment of steel-UHPC composite deck with a thin polymer overlay in a long-span suspension bridge under static and random traffic loads
S Qin, L Yu, J Zhang, L Gao - International Journal of Fatigue, 2023 - Elsevier
Steel-ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) composite deck emerges as a novel structure
that is promising to improve the fatigue performance of orthotropic steel deck (OSD) …
that is promising to improve the fatigue performance of orthotropic steel deck (OSD) …
Fatigue life evaluation for deck-rib welding details of orthotropic steel deck integrating mean stress effects
B Cao, Y Ding, Y Song, W Zhong - Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2019 - ascelibrary.org
The early fatigue cracking of orthotropic steel decks has been a long-standing problem for
heavy traffic regions of China's long-span bridges. However, the actual fatigue life is much …
heavy traffic regions of China's long-span bridges. However, the actual fatigue life is much …