Welcoming more participation in open data science for the oceans
Open science is a global movement happening across all research fields. Enabled by
technology and the open web, it builds on years of efforts by individuals, grassroots …
technology and the open web, it builds on years of efforts by individuals, grassroots …
Climate sensitive growth and yield models in Canadian forestry: challenges and opportunities
Growth and yield models in forest management planning are used to project future forest
conditions and estimate quantities such as wood volume and biomass. These models are …
conditions and estimate quantities such as wood volume and biomass. These models are …
[PDF][PDF] Realising the promise of large data and complex models
In an era of rapid change, ecologists are increasingly asked to provide answers to big,
urgent 15 questions of global concern (Solé and Levin, 2022; Yates et al., 2018; Sutherland …
urgent 15 questions of global concern (Solé and Levin, 2022; Yates et al., 2018; Sutherland …
[HTML][HTML] Climate-sensitive forecasts of marked short-term and long-term changes in the distributions or abundances of Northwestern boreal landbirds
Climate change presents a major threat to biodiversity globally. Northern ecosystems, such
as Canada's boreal forest, are predicted to experience particularly severe climate-induced …
as Canada's boreal forest, are predicted to experience particularly severe climate-induced …
Climate‐informed forecasts reveal dramatic local habitat shifts and population uncertainty for northern boreal caribou
Most research on boreal populations of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) has
been conducted in areas of high anthropogenic disturbance. However, a large portion of the …
been conducted in areas of high anthropogenic disturbance. However, a large portion of the …
Integrating Network and Meta‐Ecosystem Models for Develo** a Zoogeochemical Theory
Human activities have caused significant changes in animal abundance, interactions,
movement and diversity at multiple scales. Growing empirical evidence reveals the myriad …
movement and diversity at multiple scales. Growing empirical evidence reveals the myriad …
[HTML][HTML] Reservoir ecological health assessment Methods: A systematic review
This systematic literature review examined comprehensive methods for assessing the
aquatic ecological health of artificial water reservoirs covering studies conducted globally …
aquatic ecological health of artificial water reservoirs covering studies conducted globally …
Ethical considerations when planning, implementing and releasing health economic model software: a new proposal
Most health economic analyses are undertaken with the aid of computers. However, the
research ethics of implementing health economic models as software (or computational …
research ethics of implementing health economic models as software (or computational …
Parameter estimation for allometric trophic network models: A variational Bayesian inverse problem approach
M Tirronen, A Kuparinen - Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Differential equation models are powerful tools for predicting biological systems,
capable of projecting far into the future and incorporating data recorded at arbitrary times …
capable of projecting far into the future and incorporating data recorded at arbitrary times …
[HTML][HTML] Beyond guides, protocols and acronyms: Adoption of good modelling practices depends on challenging academia's status quo in ecology
Implementing good modelling practices (GMP) in ecological sciences is key to improving
scientific reliability. Despite the increased availability of guidelines and protocols detailing …
scientific reliability. Despite the increased availability of guidelines and protocols detailing …