Landmarks, critical paths and abstractions: what's the difference anyway?
Current heuristic estimators for classical domain-independent planning are usually based
on one of four ideas: delete relaxations, critical paths, abstractions, and, most recently …
on one of four ideas: delete relaxations, critical paths, abstractions, and, most recently …
[KNJIGA][B] Handbuch der künstlichen Intelligenz
G Görz, CR Rollinger, J Schneeberger - 2003 -
Liste der Autoren Page 1 Liste der Autoren Clemens Beckstein Gerhard Brewka Christian
Borgelt Wolfram Burgard Hans-Dieter Burkhard Stephan Busemann Thomas Christaller Leonie …
Borgelt Wolfram Burgard Hans-Dieter Burkhard Stephan Busemann Thomas Christaller Leonie …
Combined task and motion planning for mobile manipulation
We present a hierarchical planning system and its application to robotic manipulation. The
novel features of the system are: 1) it finds high-quality kinematic solutions to task-level …
novel features of the system are: 1) it finds high-quality kinematic solutions to task-level …
Optimize planning heuristics to rank, not to estimate cost-to-goal
In imitation learning for planning, parameters of heuristic functions are optimized against a
set of solved problem instances. This work revisits the necessary and sufficient conditions of …
set of solved problem instances. This work revisits the necessary and sufficient conditions of …
Distributed heuristic forward search for multi-agent planning
This paper deals with the problem of classical planning for multiple cooperative agents who
have private information about their local state and capabilities they do not want to reveal …
have private information about their local state and capabilities they do not want to reveal …
Exploiting problem symmetries in state-based planners
Abstract Previous research in Artificial Intelligence has identified the possibility of simplifying
planning problems via the identification and exploitation of symmetries. We advance the …
planning problems via the identification and exploitation of symmetries. We advance the …
The joy of forgetting: Faster anytime search via restarting
Anytime search algorithms solve optimisation problems by quickly finding a (usually
suboptimal) first solution and then finding improved solutions when given additional time. To …
suboptimal) first solution and then finding improved solutions when given additional time. To …
Bidirectional search that is guaranteed to meet in the middle
We present MM, the first bidirectional heuristic search algorithm whose forward and
backward searches are guaranteed to''meet in the middle'', ie never expand a node beyond …
backward searches are guaranteed to''meet in the middle'', ie never expand a node beyond …
[PDF][PDF] Anytime Focal Search with Applications.
Focal search (FS) is a bounded-suboptimal search (BSS) variant of A*. Like A*, it uses an
open list whose states are sorted in increasing order of their f-values. Unlike A*, it also uses …
open list whose states are sorted in increasing order of their f-values. Unlike A*, it also uses …
Topological value iteration algorithms
Value iteration is a powerful yet inefficient algorithm for Markov decision processes (MDPs)
because it puts the majority of its effort into backing up the entire state space, which turns out …
because it puts the majority of its effort into backing up the entire state space, which turns out …