How morphology impacts reading and spelling: Advancing the role of morphology in models of literacy development
A defining feature of language lies in its capacity to represent meaning across oral and
written forms. Morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in a language, are the fundamental …
written forms. Morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in a language, are the fundamental …
Ductus: A software package for the study of handwriting production
E Guinet, S Kandel - Behavior research methods, 2010 - Springer
Ductus is a software tool designed to analyze and aid understanding of the processes
underlying handwriting production. Ductus is a digitizer-based device that provides online …
underlying handwriting production. Ductus is a digitizer-based device that provides online …
For a psycholinguistic model of handwriting production: testing the syllable-bigram controversy.
S Kandel, R Peereman, G Grosjacques… - Journal of Experimental …, 2011 -
This study examined the theoretical controversy on the impact of syllables and bigrams in
handwriting production. French children and adults wrote words on a digitizer so that we …
handwriting production. French children and adults wrote words on a digitizer so that we …
Revisiting handwriting fundamentals through an interdisciplinary framework
Handwriting research lies mostly within discipline-specific boundaries, hindering knowledge
transfer across disciplines into academic skills instruction in schools. This paper attempts to …
transfer across disciplines into academic skills instruction in schools. This paper attempts to …
The impact of word frequency on peripheral processes during handwriting: A matter of age
Although several studies have found that the sublexical route of spelling has an effect on
handwriting movements, the ability of lexical variables to modulate peripheral processes …
handwriting movements, the ability of lexical variables to modulate peripheral processes …
Processing complex graphemes in handwriting production
S Kandel, E Spinelli - Memory & Cognition, 2010 - Springer
Recent studies on handwriting production and neuropsychological data have suggested that
orthographic representations are multilevel structures that encode information on letter …
orthographic representations are multilevel structures that encode information on letter …
Effects of morphology and semantic transparency on ty** latencies in english compound and pseudocompound words.
We used a ty** task to measure the written production of compounds, pseudocompounds,
and monomorphemic words on a letter-by-letter basis to determine whether written …
and monomorphemic words on a letter-by-letter basis to determine whether written …
Cascaded processing in written compound word production
In this study we investigated the intricate interplay between central linguistic processing and
peripheral motor processes during typewriting. Participants had to typewrite two-constituent …
peripheral motor processes during typewriting. Participants had to typewrite two-constituent …
Written production: The APOMI model of word writing: Anticipatory processing of orthographic and motor information
S Kandel - Language production, 2023 -
This chapter presents the APOMI model of word writing (Anticipatory Processing of
Orthographic and Motor Information). It integrates the traditional views of word writing into a …
Orthographic and Motor Information). It integrates the traditional views of word writing into a …
Processing prefixes and suffixes in handwriting production
S Kandel, E Spinelli, A Tremblay, H Guerassimovitch… - Acta psychologica, 2012 - Elsevier
Previous research showed that handwriting production is mediated by linguistically oriented
processing units such as syllables and graphemes. The goal of this study was to investigate …
processing units such as syllables and graphemes. The goal of this study was to investigate …