Lazy wavelet transform based steganography in video

K Patel, KK Rora, K Singh… - … Systems and Network …, 2013 -
Visual steganography is the most widely practiced form of steganography. It started with
concealing messages within the lowest bits of noisy images or sound files. We shall perform …

[PDF][PDF] Improved security mechanism of text in video using steganographic technique

M Kaur, A Kaur - International Journal, 2014 -
Steganography is an art of hiding the secret message in a cover object without leaving a
remarkable track on the original message. It is used to increase the security of message sent …

Secure mechanism for communication using image steganography

S Audhi, M Mascarenhas - 2019 2nd international conference …, 2019 -
In this paper, we introduce a tactic to ensure secure data transmission over a network which
has reformed the mode of transmitting data. A new method is recommended that combines …

[PDF][PDF] A Combinational Technique in Security System using Cryptography and Steganography

GN Samuel, I Ganadurai - International Journal of Engineering …, 2012 -
A new technique proposed with the combination of cryptography and steganography
enhanced with powerful algorithms for generating a new security system can be called as …

A Modified High Capacity Video Steganography Technique Based On Spatial Domain Method, Asymmetric Cryptography and Huffman Code Algorithms

R Apau, JB Hayfron-Acquah, F Twum - Communications on Applied …, 2016 -
The Technology as a product of knowledge has vulnerabilities so that its development is
continuously undertaken. Researching steganography and cryptography relates to the …

Improving the SMS Security and Data Capacity Using Advanced Encryption Standard and Huffman Compression

HA PRADANA, DY SYLFANIA… - … Technology and Its …, 2020 -
The development of technology that increasingly rapidly has a significant influence on
telecommunications. One feature of cellular telephones is SMS (Short Message Service) …

[PDF][PDF] Improving the SMS Security and Data Capacity Using Advanced Encryption Standard and Huffman Compression

FP JUNIAWAN - 2020 -
The development of technology that increasingly rapidly has a significant influence on
telecommunications. One feature of cellular telephones is SMS (Short Message Service) …

[PDF][PDF] Region Incrementing Visual Cryptography Using Lazy Wavelet Transform

A Jose -
Video steganography is the most widely used form of steganography. Steganography is an
art of hiding the secret information inside digitally covered information. The hidden message …

[PDF][PDF] A Survey on data conceal and protection in digital image

N Yogi, S Shrivastava, V Richhariya - 2016 -
In present scenario internet is growing into a more important part of data transfer for
communication. Today internet transfers lots of data in every second and most of the time the …

[PDF][PDF] High Capacity Image Steganography Method Using LZW, IWT and Modified Pixel Indicator

S Goel, P Kumar, R Saraswat - Citeseer
This paper presents a novel lossless data hiding approach for hiding the text in color image.
We use integer wavelet transform (IWT), LZW compression and Modified pixel indicator …