From diffuse gas to dense molecular cloud cores
Molecular clouds are a fundamental ingredient of galaxies: they are the channels that
transform the diffuse gas into stars. The detailed process of how they do it is not completely …
transform the diffuse gas into stars. The detailed process of how they do it is not completely …
Partially ionized plasmas in astrophysics
Partially ionized plasmas are found across the Universe in many different astrophysical
environments. They constitute an essential ingredient of the solar atmosphere, molecular …
environments. They constitute an essential ingredient of the solar atmosphere, molecular …
Global hierarchical collapse in molecular clouds. Towards a comprehensive scenario
We present a unified description of the scenario of global hierarchical collapse (GHC). GHC
constitutes a flow regime of (non-homologous) collapses within collapses, in which all …
constitutes a flow regime of (non-homologous) collapses within collapses, in which all …
The star formation rate of turbulent magnetized clouds: comparing theory, simulations, and observations
The role of turbulence and magnetic fields is studied for star formation in molecular clouds.
We derive and compare six theoretical models for the star formation rate (SFR)—the …
We derive and compare six theoretical models for the star formation rate (SFR)—the …
The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). I. Pilot Survey: Clump Fragmentation
The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). I. Pilot
Survey: Clump Fragmentation - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility …
Survey: Clump Fragmentation - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility …
On the star formation efficiency of turbulent magnetized clouds
We study the star formation efficiency (SFE) in simulations and observations of turbulent,
magnetized, molecular clouds. We find that the probability density functions (PDFs) of the …
magnetized, molecular clouds. We find that the probability density functions (PDFs) of the …
Cluster-formation in the Rosette molecular cloud at the junctions of filaments
N Schneider, T Csengeri, M Hennemann… - Astronomy & …, 2012 - aanda.org
Aims. For many years feedback processes generated by OB-stars in molecular clouds,
including expanding ionization fronts, stellar winds, or UV-radiation, have been proposed to …
including expanding ionization fronts, stellar winds, or UV-radiation, have been proposed to …
The structure of the interstellar medium of star‐forming galaxies
We develop and implement numerical methods for including stellar feedback in galaxy‐
scale numerical simulations. Our models include simplified treatments of heating by Type I …
scale numerical simulations. Our models include simplified treatments of heating by Type I …
The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). VIII. Dynamics of Embedded Dense Cores
We present dynamical properties of 294 cores embedded in twelve IRDCs observed as part
of the ASHES Survey. Protostellar cores have higher gas masses, surface densities, column …
of the ASHES Survey. Protostellar cores have higher gas masses, surface densities, column …
Physical processes in the interstellar medium
NY Gnedin, SCO Glover, RS Klessen… - Star Formation in Galaxy …, 2016 - Springer
Understanding the physical processes that govern the dynamical behavior of the interstellar
medium (ISM) is central to much of modern astronomy and astrophysics. The ISM is the …
medium (ISM) is central to much of modern astronomy and astrophysics. The ISM is the …