Quinoxaline derivatives as anticorrosion additives for metals
There are collective data about the scope of various corrosion inhibitors viz., polymers, plant
extracts, inorganic compounds, ionic liquids, organic molecules with hetero atoms, and π …
extracts, inorganic compounds, ionic liquids, organic molecules with hetero atoms, and π …
Comprehensive Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Adsorption and Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency of Pyronin B for Mild Steel Protection in HCl Solution
Mild steel (MS) is one of the most widely used materials in industry. But, this metal corrodes
easily, especially in acidic solutions. Therefore, protection of this metal is critical. The use of …
easily, especially in acidic solutions. Therefore, protection of this metal is critical. The use of …
[PDF][PDF] Synthesis, characterization, anti-corrosion behavior and theoretical study of the new organic dye: 3-oxo-3H-spiro [isobenzofuran-1, 9-xanthene]-3, 6-diyl bis (3 …
The present work covers the recent synthetic of 3-oxo-3H-spiro [isobenzofuran-1, 9-
xanthene]-3, 6-diyl bis (3-methylbenzenesulfonate) in high yield attain 91% through reaction …
xanthene]-3, 6-diyl bis (3-methylbenzenesulfonate) in high yield attain 91% through reaction …
[PDF][PDF] A comparative study of two corrosion inhibitors: 1, 4-diallyl-6-chloroquinoxaline 2, 3-(1H, 4H)-dione (1a) and 1, 4-diallyl-6-nitroquinoxaline-2, 3-(1H, 4H)-dione …
A El Janati, H Еlmsеllеm, YK Rodi… - Int. J. Corros. Scale …, 2020 - researchgate.net
The use of acids, salts and alkaline materials in solutions in industrial applications cause
extensive severe corrosion of metals, which prompt tremendous financial misfortunes. These …
extensive severe corrosion of metals, which prompt tremendous financial misfortunes. These …
3-Alkyl-5-amino-1, 2, 4-triazoles synthesized from the fatty acids of sunflower oil processing waste as corrosion inhibitors for copper in chloride environments
DS Shevtsov, KS Shikhaliev, NV Stolpovskaya… - International Journal of …, 2020 - elibrary.ru
Aminoazoles and their derivatives are widely used as corrosion inhibitors for metals. The
introduction of a hydrophobic substituent into the aminoazole molecule causes a significant …
introduction of a hydrophobic substituent into the aminoazole molecule causes a significant …
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some quinoxaline derivatives
Some new structural motifs containing the quinoxaline nucleus have been synthesized and
examined for their pharmacological properties. In this study, 6-chloroquinoxaline-2, 3 (1H …
examined for their pharmacological properties. In this study, 6-chloroquinoxaline-2, 3 (1H …
Recent advances in the development of some n-heterocyclic compounds as corrosion inhibitors: a review
W Ettahiri, AEA Allah, S Alaoui, S Lahmidi… - Moroccan Journal of …, 2023 - revues.imist.ma
Nitrogen-based heterocyclic compounds are extensively used as corrosion inhibitors
because of their ability to form strong coordination bonding with metallic atoms. A literature …
because of their ability to form strong coordination bonding with metallic atoms. A literature …
3-алкил-5-амино-1H-1, 2, 4-триазолы, синтезированные из жирных кислот отходов переработки подсолнечного масла, как ингибиторы коррозии меди в …
ДС Шевцов, ХС Шихалиев, НВ Столповская… - Коррозия: материалы …, 2020 - elibrary.ru
Аминоазолы и их производные находят широкое применение в качестве ингибиторов
коррозии металлов. Введение в молекулу аминоазола гидрофобного заместителя …
коррозии металлов. Введение в молекулу аминоазола гидрофобного заместителя …