[HTML][HTML] Memory aging and brain maintenance
Episodic memory and working memory decline with advancing age. Nevertheless, large-
scale population-based studies document well-preserved memory functioning in some older …
scale population-based studies document well-preserved memory functioning in some older …
Human cognitive aging: Corriger la fortune?
U Lindenberger - science, 2014 - science.org
Human cognitive aging differs between and is malleable within individuals. In the absence
of a strong genetic program, it is open to a host of hazards, such as vascular conditions …
of a strong genetic program, it is open to a host of hazards, such as vascular conditions …
The aging hippocampus: interactions between exercise, depression, and BDNF
Late adulthood is associated with increased hippocampal atrophy and dysfunction. Although
there are multiple paths by which hippocampal deterioration occurs in late life, the authors …
there are multiple paths by which hippocampal deterioration occurs in late life, the authors …
The BDNF gene Val66Met polymorphism as a modifier of psychiatric disorder susceptibility: progress and controversy
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has a primary role in neuronal development,
differentiation and plasticity in both the develo** and adult brain. A single-nucleotide …
differentiation and plasticity in both the develo** and adult brain. A single-nucleotide …
Cohort profile: the Berlin aging study II (BASE-II)
Similar to other industrialized countries, Germany's population is ageing. Whereas some
people enjoy good physical and cognitive health into old age, others suffer from a multitude …
people enjoy good physical and cognitive health into old age, others suffer from a multitude …
Genetic effects on old-age cognitive functioning: a population-based study.
Associations between genotypes and cognitive outcomes may provide clues as to which
mechanisms cause individual differences in old-age cognitive performance. We investigated …
mechanisms cause individual differences in old-age cognitive performance. We investigated …
Effect of BDNF val66met polymorphism on declarative memory and its neural substrate: A meta-analysis
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a critical component of the molecular
mechanism of memory formation. Variation in the BDNF gene, particularly the rs6265 …
mechanism of memory formation. Variation in the BDNF gene, particularly the rs6265 …
Non-invasive brain stimulation of the aging brain: State of the art and future perspectives
Favored by increased life expectancy and reduced birth rate, worldwide demography is
rapidly shifting to older ages. The golden age of aging is not only an achievement but also a …
rapidly shifting to older ages. The golden age of aging is not only an achievement but also a …
Two thirds of the age-based changes in fluid and crystallized intelligence, perceptual speed, and memory in adulthood are shared
Many aspects of cognition decline from middle to late adulthood, but the dimensionality and
generality of this decline have rarely been examined. We analyzed 20-year longitudinal data …
generality of this decline have rarely been examined. We analyzed 20-year longitudinal data …
Aging-related magnification of genetic effects on cognitive and brain integrity
Heritability studies document substantial genetic influences on cognitive performance and
decline in old age. Increasing evidence shows that effects of genetic variations on cognition …
decline in old age. Increasing evidence shows that effects of genetic variations on cognition …