Experimental analysis of the influence of air-flow rate on wheat straw combustion in a fixed bed
ZM Čepić, BB Nakomčić-Smaragdakis - Thermal Science, 2017 - doiserbia.nb.rs
Biomass in the form of crop residues represents a significant energy source in regions
whose development is based on agricultural production. Among many possibilities of …
whose development is based on agricultural production. Among many possibilities of …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the energy potential of agricultural biomass residues in Montenegro
M Curovic, K Pavicevic, M Ðokic… - Poljoprivreda i …, 2016 - academia.edu
This paper gave an overview of the energy potential of organic remains from agricultural
primary production and waste from livestock production in Montenegro. It has been …
primary production and waste from livestock production in Montenegro. It has been …
Numerical simulation of co-combustion of biomass and pulverized coal in a precalciner
Z Wei, H Kao - Thermal Science, 2024 - doiserbia.nb.rs
As high energy consumption and pollution increase in the cement industry, utilizing biomass
as a substitute fuel has been deemed a promising energy-saving and emission reduction …
as a substitute fuel has been deemed a promising energy-saving and emission reduction …
[HTML][HTML] Influencia de la concentración inicial de Chlorella vulgaris y CO 2 en la producción de lípidos
ML Malagón-Micán… - Revista Lasallista de …, 2020 - scielo.org.co
Introducción: debido a la disminución de petróleo, se plantea una alternativa energética
como la biomasa de microalgas, para obtener lípidos y posteriormente biodiesel. Objetivo …
como la biomasa de microalgas, para obtener lípidos y posteriormente biodiesel. Objetivo …
Uticaj dodatka različitih vrsta biomase na promene energetskih i ekoloških karakteristika briketa od stabljika duvana tipa Berlej
MŽ Malnar - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Stabljike duvana koje ostaju nakon berbe listova imaju značajan udeo u ukupnoj količini
poljoprivredne biomase. Iako se u Srbiji sprovode sve ozbiljnija istraživanja, još uvek se ne …
poljoprivredne biomase. Iako se u Srbiji sprovode sve ozbiljnija istraživanja, još uvek se ne …
MČ Zoran, BB NAKOMČIĆ-SMARAGDAKIS - researchgate.net
Biomass in the form of crop residues represents a significant energy source in regions
whose development is based on agricultural production. Among many possibilities of …
whose development is based on agricultural production. Among many possibilities of …
[CITARE][C] Influencia de la concentración inicial de Chlorella vulgaris y CO2 en la producción de lípidos
MY Suárez Chaparro, ML Malagón Micán - 2020 - Corporación Universitaria Lasallista …