Late Quaternary slip rates for the Hyde and Dunstan faults, southern New Zealand: Implications for strain migration in a slowly deforming continental plate margin
Reverse faulting in Otago, southern New Zealand, accommodates distributed tectonic
convergence on the eastern side of the Australian‐Pacific plate boundary. Paleoearthquake …
convergence on the eastern side of the Australian‐Pacific plate boundary. Paleoearthquake …
Evaluating how well active fault map** predicts earthquake surface-rupture locations
Earthquake surface-fault rupture location uncertainty is a key factor in fault displacement
hazard analysis and informs hazard and risk mitigation strategies. Geologists often predict …
hazard analysis and informs hazard and risk mitigation strategies. Geologists often predict …
The influence of basement terranes on tectonic deformation: Joint earthquake travel‐time and ambient noise tomography of the Southern South Island, New Zealand
Determining how the crustal structure developed in previous tectonic regimes influences
current deformation is important for understanding seismogenic behavior. Paleozoic …
current deformation is important for understanding seismogenic behavior. Paleozoic …
Testing and evaluation of the New Zealand national seismic hazard model 2022
We summarize the work that has been done within the New Zealand National Seismic
Hazard Model 2022 (NZ NSHM 2022) to evaluate and test the updated hazard model and its …
Hazard Model 2022 (NZ NSHM 2022) to evaluate and test the updated hazard model and its …
Validation of earthquake ground-motion models in southern California, USA, using precariously balanced rocks
Accurate estimates of earthquake ground shaking rely on uncertain ground-motion models
derived from limited instrumental recordings of historical earthquakes. A critical issue is that …
derived from limited instrumental recordings of historical earthquakes. A critical issue is that …
San Andreas Fault Earthquake Hazard Model Validation Using Probabilistic Analysis of Precariously Balanced Rocks and Bayesian Updating
The Mojave section of the San Andreas fault is the closest section to the megacity of greater
Los Angeles. A major issue for the population is that the life‐threatening hazard estimate of …
Los Angeles. A major issue for the population is that the life‐threatening hazard estimate of …
Forecasting recurrent large earthquakes from paleoearthquake and fault displacement data
Long recurrence intervals of large earthquakes relative to the historical record mean that
geological data are often utilized to inform forecasts of future events. Geological data from …
geological data are often utilized to inform forecasts of future events. Geological data from …
Precariously Balanced Rocks in Northern New York and Vermont, USA: Ground‐Motion Constraints and Implications for Fault Sources
D McPhillips, TL Pratt - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) and other fragile geologic features have the potential to
constrain the maximum intensity of earthquake ground shaking over millennia. Such …
constrain the maximum intensity of earthquake ground shaking over millennia. Such …
Paleoseismology of the Hyde Fault, Otago, New Zealand
We present the first paleoseismic investigation of the Hyde Fault, one of a series of north-
east striking reverse faults within the Otago range and basin province in southern New …
east striking reverse faults within the Otago range and basin province in southern New …
[PDF][PDF] Fragility of precariously balanced rocks: shake table testing and numerical modeling for a sample granitic rock
ABSTRACT Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) are a unique type of naturally occurring
structures that are critical to test and constrain seismic hazard at long return periods …
structures that are critical to test and constrain seismic hazard at long return periods …