Asymptotic speeds of spread and traveling waves for monotone semiflows with applications
The theory of asymptotic speeds of spread and monotone traveling waves is established for
a class of monotone discrete and continuous‐time semiflows and is applied to a functional …
a class of monotone discrete and continuous‐time semiflows and is applied to a functional …
The global structure of traveling waves in spatially discrete dynamical systems
J Mallet-Paret - Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 1999 - Springer
We obtain existence of traveling wave solutions for a class of spatially discrete systems,
namely, lattice differential equations. Uniqueness of the wave speed c, and uniqueness of …
namely, lattice differential equations. Uniqueness of the wave speed c, and uniqueness of …
Spreading speeds for monostable equations with nonlocal dispersal in space periodic habitats
The current paper is devoted to the study of spatial spreading dynamics of monostable
equations with nonlocal dispersal in spatially periodic habitats. In particular, the existence …
equations with nonlocal dispersal in spatially periodic habitats. In particular, the existence …
Existence and asymptotic stability of traveling waves of discrete quasilinear monostable equations
X Chen, JS Guo - Journal of Differential Equations, 2002 - Elsevier
We study the existence and asymptotic stability of traveling waves tou t=[g (u+ 1)+ g (u− 1)−
2g (u)]+ f (u) on R×(0,∞), where u= u (x, t), u±1= u (x±1, t), g= dup (d> 0, p⩾ 1) and f= u− u2 …
2g (u)]+ f (u) on R×(0,∞), where u= u (x, t), u±1= u (x±1, t), g= dup (d> 0, p⩾ 1) and f= u− u2 …
Uniqueness and existence of traveling waves for discrete quasilinear monostable dynamics
X Chen, JS Guo - Mathematische Annalen, 2003 - Springer
We study traveling waves of a discrete system where f and g are Lipschitz continuous with g
increasing and f monostable, ie, f (0)= f (1)= 0 and f> 0 on (0, 1). We show that there is a …
increasing and f monostable, ie, f (0)= f (1)= 0 and f> 0 on (0, 1). We show that there is a …
Traveling wave solutions for systems of ODEs on a two-dimensional spatial lattice
ES Van Vleck, J Mallet-Paret, JW Cahn - SIAM Journal on Applied …, 1998 - SIAM
We consider infinite systems of ODEs on the two-dimensional integer lattice, given by a
bistable scalar ODE at each point, with a nearest neighbor coupling between lattice points …
bistable scalar ODE at each point, with a nearest neighbor coupling between lattice points …
Waves and bumps in neuronal networks with axo-dendritic synaptic interactions
We consider a firing rate model of a neuronal network continuum that incorporates axo-
dendritic synaptic processing and the finite conduction velocities of action potentials. The …
dendritic synaptic processing and the finite conduction velocities of action potentials. The …
Spreading speed and traveling waves for a multi-type SIS epidemic model
P Weng, XQ Zhao - Journal of Differential Equations, 2006 - Elsevier
The theory of asymptotic speeds of spread and monotone traveling waves for monotone
semiflows is applied to a multi-type SIS epidemic model to obtain the spreading speed c∗ …
semiflows is applied to a multi-type SIS epidemic model to obtain the spreading speed c∗ …
Traveling waves for non-local delayed diffusion equations via auxiliary equations
S Ma - Journal of Differential Equations, 2007 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study the existence of traveling wave solutions for a class of delayed non-
local reaction–diffusion equations without quasi-monotonicity. The approach is based on the …
local reaction–diffusion equations without quasi-monotonicity. The approach is based on the …
Existence, uniqueness and stability of travelling waves in a discrete reaction–diffusion monostable equation with delay
S Ma, X Zou - Journal of Differential Equations, 2005 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of travelling
wavefronts of the following equation: where x∈ R, t> 0, D, d> 0, r⩾ 0, b∈ C1 (R) and b (0) …
wavefronts of the following equation: where x∈ R, t> 0, D, d> 0, r⩾ 0, b∈ C1 (R) and b (0) …