The exact rate-memory tradeoff for caching with uncoded prefetching
We consider a basic cache network, in which a single server is connected to multiple users
via a shared bottleneck link. The server has a database of files (content). Each user has an …
via a shared bottleneck link. The server has a database of files (content). Each user has an …
Fundamental limits of cache-aided interference management
We consider a system, comprising a library of N files (eg, movies) and a wireless network
with a KT transmitters, each equipped with a local cache of size of MT files and a KR …
with a KT transmitters, each equipped with a local cache of size of MT files and a KR …
Adding transmitters dramatically boosts coded-caching gains for finite file sizes
In the context of coded caching in the K-user broadcast channel, our work reveals the
surprising fact that having multiple (L) transmitting antennas, dramatically ameliorates the …
surprising fact that having multiple (L) transmitting antennas, dramatically ameliorates the …
Fundamental limits of coded caching with multiple antennas, shared caches and uncoded prefetching
The work explores the fundamental limits of coded caching in the setting where a transmitter
with potentially multiple (N 0) antennas serves different users that are assisted by a smaller …
with potentially multiple (N 0) antennas serves different users that are assisted by a smaller …
Coded caching for multi-level popularity and access
To address the exponentially rising demand for wireless content, the use of caching is
emerging as a potential solution. It has been recently established that joint design of content …
emerging as a potential solution. It has been recently established that joint design of content …
Noisy broadcast networks with receiver caching
An erasure broadcast network is considered with two disjoint sets of receivers: a set of weak
receivers with all-equal erasure probabilities and equal cache sizes and a set of strong …
receivers with all-equal erasure probabilities and equal cache sizes and a set of strong …
Optimization of heterogeneous coded caching
AM Daniel, W Yu - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2019 -
This paper aims to provide an optimization framework for coded caching that accounts for
various heterogeneous aspects of practical systems. An optimization theoretic perspective …
various heterogeneous aspects of practical systems. An optimization theoretic perspective …
Benefits of cache assignment on degraded broadcast channels
Degraded K-user broadcast channels (BCs) are studied when the receivers are facilitated
with cache memories. Lower and upper bounds are derived on the capacity-memory …
with cache memories. Lower and upper bounds are derived on the capacity-memory …
Coded caching for wireless backhaul networks with unequal link rates
Coded caching has emerged as a promising component of solutions to the exponential
growth in network traffic. Previous approaches to network coding are all based on (simple) …
growth in network traffic. Previous approaches to network coding are all based on (simple) …
Coded caching with asymmetric cache sizes and link qualities: The two-user case
The centralized coded caching problem is studied for the two-user scenario, considering
heterogeneous cache capacities at the users and private channels from the server to the …
heterogeneous cache capacities at the users and private channels from the server to the …