Introduction to millet and challenges of millet production due to extreme environmental conditions in India: a review
S Suman, S Chandra - Cereal Research Communications, 2024 - Springer
Millets are one of the most nutritious crops, having rich nutritional value and a number of
benefits in curing diseases. Rajasthan is the biggest producer of millet. 91% of the arable …
benefits in curing diseases. Rajasthan is the biggest producer of millet. 91% of the arable …
Adenanthera pavonina, a potential plant-based protein resource: Seed protein composition and immunohistochemical localization of trypsin inhibitors
Adenanthera pavonina, an underutilized tropical tree, is being promoted as an alternative
food source for meeting the nutritional needs of human and animals. In this study, we have …
food source for meeting the nutritional needs of human and animals. In this study, we have …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of Cytotoxic Effects of Plant Protease Inhibitors on Cancerous Cell Lines
ST Moosaripparambil, KV Meethal -
Protease inhibitors, whether natural or synthetic, show promise in cancer treatment by
targeting dysregulated proteolytic activity linked to tumor progression and metastasis. This …
targeting dysregulated proteolytic activity linked to tumor progression and metastasis. This …
Occurrence of serine proteinase inhibitors in seeds of some plants
Serine proteinase inhibitors, produced by plants, inhibiting protein digestion in herbivorous
insects, can be used as one of the best ecofriendly IPM tactics. In this context, laboratory …
insects, can be used as one of the best ecofriendly IPM tactics. In this context, laboratory …
[PDF][PDF] Antioxidant Activity and Anti-Nutritional Factors in Acacia Nilotica Gum.(2021)
The rapidly growing civilization and economy need the judicious usage of floral and faunal
heritage. Acacia nilotica (Family: Fabaceae) is a beneficial plant species and each part of it …
heritage. Acacia nilotica (Family: Fabaceae) is a beneficial plant species and each part of it …
[PDF][PDF] Invitro gut proteolytic inhibition by purified Adenanthera pavonina proteinase inhibitor (APPI) in Spodoptera litura (F.)
S Velmani, M Shanthi, C Chinniah… - Indian Journal of …, 2019 -
The gut proteolytic activity of Spodoptera litura (F.) during second, third, fourth and fifth instar
was analysed in this study. A higher proteolytic (1.85±0.402 and 1.91±0.077 µmole tyrosine …
was analysed in this study. A higher proteolytic (1.85±0.402 and 1.91±0.077 µmole tyrosine …
Avaliação das atividades antitumoral e anti-inflamatória de proteínas bioativas de origem vegetal
Proteínas bioativas de origem vegetal, tais como lectinas e inibidores de protease, têm sido
avaliadas como agentes anti-inflamatórios e antitumorais alternativos complementares às …
avaliadas como agentes anti-inflamatórios e antitumorais alternativos complementares às …
Exploring Cysteine-Rich Botanical Bioactive Peptides via Mass Spectrometry
NC Parsley - 2020 -
A rise in clinical multidrug-resistant microbes threatens global health, agriculture, and
economy. Botanical natural product peptides are an underexplored source of antimicrobial …
economy. Botanical natural product peptides are an underexplored source of antimicrobial …