Manipulating matter by strong coupling to vacuum fields
BACKGROUND One of the most important phenomena in cavity quantum electrodynamics
(cQED) is the so-called strong coupling regime, which appears when the interaction …
(cQED) is the so-called strong coupling regime, which appears when the interaction …
Cavity-mediated electron hop** in disordered quantum Hall systems
C Ciuti - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
We investigate the emergence of long-range electron hop** mediated by cavity vacuum
fields in disordered quantum Hall systems. We show that the counter-rotating (antiresonant) …
fields in disordered quantum Hall systems. We show that the counter-rotating (antiresonant) …
Conductivity and photoconductivity of a p-type organic semiconductor under ultrastrong coupling
During the past decade, it has been shown that light–matter strong coupling of materials can
lead to modified and often improved properties which has stimulated considerable interest …
lead to modified and often improved properties which has stimulated considerable interest …
Quantum electron transport controlled by cavity vacuum fields
We explore theoretically how the coupling to cavity vacuum fields affects the electron
transport in quantum conductors due to the counter-rotating-wave terms of light-matter …
transport in quantum conductors due to the counter-rotating-wave terms of light-matter …
Enhanced charge transport in two-dimensional materials through light–matter strong coupling
Strong light–matter interaction of functional materials is emerging as a promising area of
research. Recent experiments suggest that material properties like charge transport can be …
research. Recent experiments suggest that material properties like charge transport can be …
Extraordinary electrical conductance through amorphous nonconducting polymers under vibrational strong coupling
Enhancing the electrical conductance through amorphous nondoped polymers is
challenging. Here, we show that vibrational strong coupling (VSC) of intrinsically …
challenging. Here, we show that vibrational strong coupling (VSC) of intrinsically …
Controlling Electron Mobility of Strongly Coupled Organic Semiconductors in Mirrorless Cavities
Recent experiments on the strong light‐matter coupling between an organic semiconductor
and a plasmonic mode propose an unconventional way to enhance conductivity. Herein, it is …
and a plasmonic mode propose an unconventional way to enhance conductivity. Herein, it is …
Direct polariton-to-electron tunneling in quantum cascade detectors operating in the strong light-matter coupling regime
Modern optoelectronic devices rely on cavity electrodynamics concepts for improved
performances, embedding the active medium in an optical cavity to enhance the light-matter …
performances, embedding the active medium in an optical cavity to enhance the light-matter …
Absorption engineering in an ultrasubwavelength quantum system
Many photonic and plasmonic structures have been proposed to achieve
ultrasubwavelength light confinement across the electromagnetic spectrum. Notwithstanding …
ultrasubwavelength light confinement across the electromagnetic spectrum. Notwithstanding …
Extraordinary electrical conductance through amorphous non-conducting polymers under vibrational strong coupling
Achieving electrical conductance in amorphous non-doped polymers is a challenging task.
Here, we show that vibrational strong coupling of the aromatic CH (D) out-of-plane bending …
Here, we show that vibrational strong coupling of the aromatic CH (D) out-of-plane bending …