Impact of climate change on groundwater hydrology: a comprehensive review and current status of the Indian hydrogeology
Groundwater is the second largest store of freshwater in the world. The sustainability of the
ecosystem is largely dependent on groundwater availability, and groundwater has already …
ecosystem is largely dependent on groundwater availability, and groundwater has already …
The changing water quality of lakes—a case study of Dal Lake, Kashmir Valley
Lakes throughout the globe have been gravely altered or degraded at a pace much more
significant than their restoration. In the heart of Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and …
significant than their restoration. In the heart of Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and …
Groundwater quality evaluation using water quality index (WQI) for drinking purposes and human health risk (HHR) assessment in an agricultural region of Nanganur …
N Adimalla, H Qian - Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2019 - Elsevier
An effort has been made to understand the groundwater quality of Nanganur region for
drinking purpose utilizing water quality index (WQI). Nitrate contamination in groundwater …
drinking purpose utilizing water quality index (WQI). Nitrate contamination in groundwater …
Hydrogeochemical investigation of groundwater quality in the hard rock terrain of South India using Geographic Information System (GIS) and groundwater quality …
A total of 194 groundwater samples were collected from hard rock terrain of Medak, a fast
urbanizing region of Telangana State, South India to assess the groundwater quality using …
urbanizing region of Telangana State, South India to assess the groundwater quality using …
Hydrogeochemical evaluation of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes and integrated interpretation with water quality index studies
Groundwater is the major source for drinking and irrigation purposes in the Central parts of
Telangana. The demand for groundwater has recently increased due to intensive irrigation …
Telangana. The demand for groundwater has recently increased due to intensive irrigation …
Groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes and potential health risks assessment: a case study from semi-arid region of South India
N Adimalla - Exposure and health, 2019 - Springer
To determine the groundwater quality in the rapidly urbanizing region of Telangana State,
South India, 194 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for evaluating the …
South India, 194 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for evaluating the …
Occurrence, health risks, and geochemical mechanisms of fluoride and nitrate in groundwater of the rock-dominant semi-arid region, Telangana State, India
Highly contaminated groundwater can affect the human health and constrain the economic
development of a country. For this study 105 groundwater samples were collected in rock …
development of a country. For this study 105 groundwater samples were collected in rock …
Evaluation of groundwater contamination for fluoride and nitrate in semi-arid region of Nirmal Province, South India: a special emphasis on human health risk …
The main aim of this study was to assess the groundwater quality and human health risks of
fluoride and nitrate contamination in Nirmal Province, South India, where groundwater is the …
fluoride and nitrate contamination in Nirmal Province, South India, where groundwater is the …
Controlling factors and mechanism of groundwater quality variation in semiarid region of South India: an approach of water quality index (WQI) and health risk …
N Adimalla - Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020 - Springer
The study region comprises fractured granitic, basaltic and lateritic aquifer system
constituted by Precambrian rocks. Groundwater is the primary source for drinking and …
constituted by Precambrian rocks. Groundwater is the primary source for drinking and …
Appraisal of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes in Central Telangana, India
Groundwater is only an important water resources for drinking and irrigation in the central
Telangana, India. Rapid growth in the population and intensive irrigation practises has …
Telangana, India. Rapid growth in the population and intensive irrigation practises has …