A review of fully online undergraduate mathematics instruction through the lens of large-scale research (2000-2015)

S Trenholm, J Peschke, M Chinnappan - Primus, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The use of fully online instruction has been proliferating in higher education. In
undergraduate mathematics, arguments about the effectiveness of fully online instruction …

Communicating mathematics on the Internet: Synchronous and asynchronous tools

CB Hodges, GM Hunger - TechTrends, 2011 - Springer
Communicating and collaborating online are becoming common requirements in education.
The specialized notations and symbols necessary for some content areas where …

Estructuras mentales para modelar el aprendizaje del teorema de cambio base de vectores

MCP González, JL Andalon, RDJ Alarcón - Enseñanza de las ciencias …, 2016 - raco.cat
Basados en la teoría APOE como marco teórico y metodológico, investigamos, desde una
postura cognitiva, las estructuras mentales necesarias para construir el teorema para el …

Learning linear transformations using models

M Trigueros, B Bianchini - First conference of international network for …, 2016 - hal.science
Résumé Using Action-Process-Object-Schema (APOS) Theory students' strategies while
solving a linear transformations modelling problem in a Linear Algebra course are studied …

Communicating mathematics during small groupwork through video-conferencing applications

R LaRochelle, M Cirillo, D Berk - International Conference on Technology …, 2020 - Springer
The Covid-19-induced closure of schools forced many instructors throughout the world to
develop ways to deliver instruction online. Video-conferencing applications became one …

Construcción de la Matriz de Cambio de Base: un análisis cognitivo en términos de la Teoría APOE

E Mendoza Sandoval - 2015 - ri.uagro.mx
Unidad Académica de Matemáticas Maestría en Ciencias: Área Matemática Educativa
Construcción de la Matriz de Cambio de Ba Page 1 Unidad Académica de Matemáticas Maestría …

Faculty perspectives on online teaching in higher education

FO Quayson - 2017 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this basic qualitative study is to describe, analyze, and interpret faculty
perspectives on online teaching in higher education and the challenges of teaching online …


IM Peña, MP González - core.ac.uk
Fundamentamos nuestro estudio en la teoría APOE (Acción, Proceso, Objeto, Esquema),
como marco teórico referencial y una propuesta de investigación, en la que reconocemos …