Estimation of coda‐wave attenuation in the central and eastern Alborz, Iran
The quality factor of coda (Q c) waves has been estimated by using single backscattering
and single isotropic scattering models. The earthquakes used were recorded by three …
and single isotropic scattering models. The earthquakes used were recorded by three …
Fast changes in seismic attenuation of the upper crust due to fracturing and fluid migration: The 2016–2017 central italy seismic sequence
The Amatrice–Visso–Norcia seismic sequence struck Central Italy across the Apenninic
normal fault system in 2016. Fluids likely triggered the sequence and reduced the stability of …
normal fault system in 2016. Fluids likely triggered the sequence and reduced the stability of …
Separation of intrinsic and scattering attenuation in the crust of central and eastern Alborz region, Iran
In this study, more than 380 local earthquakes (2< ML< 4.5) have been used to estimate the
direct-shear waves (Q d), coda (Q c), intrinsic (Q i) and scattering quality factor (Q Sc) in the …
direct-shear waves (Q d), coda (Q c), intrinsic (Q i) and scattering quality factor (Q Sc) in the …
Estimation of the coda‐wave attenuation and geometrical spreading in the New Madrid seismic zone
Using the single backscattering method, coda quality factor functions through coda window
lengths of 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 s have been estimated for the New Madrid seismic zone …
lengths of 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 s have been estimated for the New Madrid seismic zone …
Intrinsic and scattering seismic wave attenuation in the Central Apennines (Italy)
Recently, an earthquake sequence formed by a series of subsequences characterized by
large earthquakes (three events M≥ 6.0 and five events M≥ 5.0) occurred in the Central …
large earthquakes (three events M≥ 6.0 and five events M≥ 5.0) occurred in the Central …
The Attenuation of High‐Frequency Seismic Waves in the Lower Siang Region of Arunachal Himalaya: Qα, Qβ, Qc, Qi, and Qs
In the present study, the scattering and intrinsic attenuation are separated using the S‐wave
attenuation (Q β) and coda‐wave attenuation (Q c) employing the method, and the …
attenuation (Q β) and coda‐wave attenuation (Q c) employing the method, and the …
Capturing regional variations of hard‐rock attenuation in Europe
A proper assessment of seismic reference site conditions has important applications as they
represent the basis on which ground motions and amplifications are generally computed …
represent the basis on which ground motions and amplifications are generally computed …
Regional variation of coda Q in Kopili fault zone of northeast India and its implications
Kopili fault has been experiencing higher seismic and tectonic activity during the recent
years. These kind of active tectonics can be inspected by examining coda-wave attenuation …
years. These kind of active tectonics can be inspected by examining coda-wave attenuation …
Qp, Qs, Qc, Qi, and Attenuation Parameters in the Zagros Region, Iran
The attenuation of seismic waves in the Zagros region (southwestern Iran) was investigated
using seismic waveforms collected from 2006 to 2019. The selected data set consists of …
using seismic waveforms collected from 2006 to 2019. The selected data set consists of …
Upper-to mid-crustal seismic attenuation structure above the mantle wedge in East Anatolia, Turkey: Imaging crustal scale segmentation and differentiation
Multi-frequency P-and S-wave attenuation tomography models of Lake Van area (East
Anatolia) have been obtained by estimating coda-normalized wave spectra of 3027 local …
Anatolia) have been obtained by estimating coda-normalized wave spectra of 3027 local …