[HTML][HTML] The good and the bad: monocytes' and macrophages' diverse functions in inflammation

J Austermann, J Roth, K Barczyk-Kahlert - Cells, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
Monocytes and macrophages are central players of the innate immune response and play a
pivotal role in the regulation of inflammation. Thereby, they actively participate in all phases …

[HTML][HTML] COVID-19 signalome: Pathways for SARS-CoV-2 infection and impact on COVID-19 associated comorbidity

K Lundstrom, A Hromić-Jahjefendić, E Bilajac… - Cellular …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The COVID-19 pandemic has been the focus of research the past two years. The major
breakthrough was made by discovering pathways related to SARS-CoV-2 infection through …

[HTML][HTML] Severe COVID-19 is marked by a dysregulated myeloid cell compartment

J Schulte-Schrep**, N Reusch, D Paclik, K Baßler… - Cell, 2020‏ - cell.com
Summary Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a mild to moderate respiratory tract
infection, however, a subset of patients progress to severe disease and respiratory failure …

Conjugate electrospun 3D gelatin nanofiber sponge for rapid hemostasis

X ** an excellent hemostatic material with good biocompatibility and high blood
absorption capacity for rapid hemostasis of deep non‐compressible hemorrhage remains a …

Single-cell transcriptome profiling of sepsis identifies HLA-DRlowS100Ahigh monocytes with immunosuppressive function

RQ Yao, PY Zhao, ZX Li, YY Liu, LY Zheng… - Military Medical …, 2023‏ - Springer
Background Sustained yet intractable immunosuppression is commonly observed in septic
patients, resulting in aggravated clinical outcomes. However, due to the substantial …

Monocyte markers correlate with immune and neuronal brain changes in REM sleep behavior disorder

K Farmen, SK Nissen, MG Stokholm, A Iranzo… - Proceedings of the …, 2021‏ - pnas.org
Synucleinopathies are neurodegenerative diseases with both central and peripheral
immune responses. However, whether the peripheral immune changes occur early in …

Mitoxantrone targets both host and bacteria to overcome vancomycin resistance in Enterococcus faecalis

RAG da Silva, JJ Wong, H Antypas, PY Choo… - Science …, 2023‏ - science.org
Antibiotic resistance critically limits treatment options for infection caused by opportunistic
pathogens such as enterococci. Here, we investigate the antibiotic and immunological …

Hyperinflammatory environment drives dysfunctional myeloid cell effector response to bacterial challenge in COVID-19

S Mairpady Shambat, A Gomez-Mejia… - PloS …, 2022‏ - journals.plos.org
COVID-19 displays diverse disease severities and symptoms including acute systemic
inflammation and hypercytokinemia, with subsequent dysregulation of immune cells …

[HTML][HTML] Changes in CD163+, CD11b+, and CCR2+ peripheral monocytes relate to Parkinson's disease and cognition

SK Nissen, K Farmen, M Carstensen, C Schulte… - Brain, Behavior, and …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Alpha-synuclein pathology is associated with immune activation and neurodegeneration in
Parkinson's disease. The immune activation involves not only microglia but also peripheral …

High-frequency nanosecond bleomycin electrochemotherapy and its effects on changes in the immune system and survival

A Balevičiūtė, E Radzevičiūtė, A Želvys… - Cancers, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Standard microsecond electrochemotherapy (μsECT) is used in clinical
trials for the elimination of tumours, while the first studies on nanosecond …