Synthesis by generation and concatenation of multi-form segments
V Pollet, A Breen - US Patent 8,321,222, 2012 - Google Patents
603 or)%. 5% oE) NSN RSN-different speech representational structures. A speech seg
ment selector selects from the speech segment database a sequence of speech segment …
ment selector selects from the speech segment database a sequence of speech segment …
Rare events and closed domains: Two delicate concepts in speech synthesis
B Möbius - International Journal of Speech Technology, 2003 - Springer
One of the most serious challenges for speech synthesis is the systematic treatment of
events in language and speech that are known to have low frequencies of occurrence. The …
events in language and speech that are known to have low frequencies of occurrence. The …
[PDF][PDF] Prominence: Acoustic and lexical/syntactic correlates
BM Streefkerk - 2002 - dare.uva.nl
Thiss chapter deals with the marking of'prominent'parts in speech utterances. Prominencee
marking looks easy, but it is rather complex. The notion of prominence iss not clearly defined …
marking looks easy, but it is rather complex. The notion of prominence iss not clearly defined …
[PDF][PDF] Speech synthesis development made easy: the bonn open synthesis system.
This paper describes a new open source architecture for unit-selection based speech
synthesis called BOSS (Bonn Open Synthesis System). It is built up modularly, with …
synthesis called BOSS (Bonn Open Synthesis System). It is built up modularly, with …
[PDF][PDF] Segmental and prosodic improvements to speech generation
EAM Klabbers - 2000 - research.tue.nl
The research presented in this thesis was carried out in the framework of the 'Language and
Speech Technology'Priority Programme of NWO (the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Speech Technology'Priority Programme of NWO (the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
[PDF][PDF] Building an integrated prosodic model of German.
H Mixdorff, O Jokisch - INTERSPEECH, 2001 - public.bht-berlin.de
The intellegibility and naturalness of synthetic speech strongly depends on its prosodic
quality. Departing from works by Mixdorff on a linguistically motivated model of German …
quality. Departing from works by Mixdorff on a linguistically motivated model of German …
A Japanese TTS system based on multiform units and a speech modification algorithm with harmonics reconstruction
S Takano, K Tanaka, H Mizuno, M Abe… - IEEE transactions on …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper proposes a new text-to-speech (TTS) system that utilizes large numbers of
speech segments to produce very natural and intelligible synthetic speech. There are two …
speech segments to produce very natural and intelligible synthetic speech. There are two …
Vorhersage und Wahrnehmung deutscher Betonungsmuster
PS Wagner - 2002 - bonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de
Motivation für die Arbeit war die Beobachtung, daß sich phonologische Theorien zur
Vorhersage von Betonungsmustern meist auf zweifelhafte, introspektiv gewonnene Daten …
Vorhersage von Betonungsmustern meist auf zweifelhafte, introspektiv gewonnene Daten …
Evaluating the quality of an integrated model of German prosody
H Mixdorff, O Jokisch - International journal of speech technology, 2003 - Springer
The perceived quality of synthetic speech strongly depends on its prosodic naturalness.
Departing from earlier works by Mixdorff on a linguistically motivated model of German …
Departing from earlier works by Mixdorff on a linguistically motivated model of German …
[PDF][PDF] A quantitative description of German prosody offering symbolic labels as a by-product.
H Mixdorff, H Fujisaki - INTERSPEECH, 2000 - Citeseer
The prosodic quality of a text-to-speech system is important for the intellegibility and
perceived naturalness of synthetic speech. In earlier works the author developed a …
perceived naturalness of synthetic speech. In earlier works the author developed a …