Defects in correlated metals and superconductors

H Alloul, J Bobroff, M Gabay, PJ Hirschfeld - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2009 - APS
In materials with strong local Coulomb interactions, simple defects such as atomic
substitutions strongly affect both macroscopic and local properties of the system. A …

Muon spin rotation and relaxation in magnetic materials

PD De Réotier, A Yaouanc - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 1997 -
A review of the muon spin rotation and relaxation studies on magnetic materials published
from July 1993 is presented. It covers the investigation of magnetic phase diagrams, that of …

Non-Fermi-liquid regime of a doped Mott insulator

O Parcollet, A Georges - Physical Review B, 1999 - APS
We study the do** of a Mott insulator in the presence of quenched frustrating disorder in
the magnitude and sign of the magnetic exchange. Two quite different do** regimes δ< δ …

Signatures of two gaps in the spin susceptibility of a cuprate superconductor

R Zhou, I Vinograd, M Hirata, T Wu, H Mayaffre… - Nature Physics, 2025 -
A fundamental obstacle to understanding high-temperature superconducting cuprates is that
the occurrence of superconductivity hinders the observation of the normal-state properties at …

Muon Spin Relaxation Studies of Zn-Substitution Effects in High- Cuprate Superconductors

B Nachumi, A Keren, K Kojima, M Larkin, GM Luke… - Physical review …, 1996 - APS
We have performed transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements of the Zn-
substituted cuprate high-T c superconductors: La 2− x Sr x (Cu 1− y Zn y) O 4 and YBa 2 (Cu …

NMR Evidence for Enhanced Antiferromagnetic Correlations around Zn Impurities in

MH Julien, T Fehér, M Horvatić, C Berthier… - Physical review …, 2000 - APS
Do** the high-T c superconductor YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.7 with 1.5% of nonmagnetic Zn
impurities in CuO 2 planes is shown to produce a considerable broadening of 63 Cu NMR …

Spin-glass behavior in Ni-doped LaSrCuO

A Malinowski, VL Bezusyy, R Minikayev, P Dziawa… - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
The dynamic and static magnetic properties of La 1.85 Sr 0.15 Cu 1-y Ni y O 4 with Ni
concentration up to y= 0.63 are reported. All the features that characterize the spin-glass …

Normal-state magnetic properties of Ni and Zn substituted inYBa2Cu3O6+ x: Hole-do** dependence

P Mendels, J Bobroff, G Collin, H Alloul… - Europhysics …, 1999 -
We present SQUID susceptibility data on Zn and Ni substituted YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x. Cross-
checks with NMR yield an unprecedented accuracy in the estimate of the magnetic …

Incommensurate Magnetic Order and Dynamics Induced by Spinless Impurities in

A Suchaneck, V Hinkov, D Haug, L Schulz, C Bernhard… - Physical review …, 2010 - APS
We report an inelastic-neutron-scattering and muon-spin-relaxation study of the effect of 2%
spinless (Zn) impurities on the magnetic order and dynamics of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.6, an …

Magnetic and transport properties of Zn-doped in the normal state

S Zagoulaev, P Monod, J Jegoudez - Physical Review B, 1995 - APS
Detailed resistivity and susceptibility measurements are reported on YBa 2 (Cu 1− x Zn x) 3
O 7 ceramics samples for 0%≤ x≤ 10% in the normal state. The superconducting …