[HTML][HTML] A thorough classification and discussion of approaches for modeling and managing domino effects in the process industries
Recent catastrophic accidents in China and the USA urge and justify a thorough study on
current & future research trends in the development of modeling methods and protection …
current & future research trends in the development of modeling methods and protection …
[HTML][HTML] Uncertainties and their treatment in the quantitative risk assessment of domino effects: Classification and review
Domino accidents are typical low-frequency and high-consequence events in chemical
process industries. Applying quantitative risk assessment (QRA) in domino accident …
process industries. Applying quantitative risk assessment (QRA) in domino accident …
A novel dynamic risk assessment method for the petrochemical industry using bow-tie analysis and Bayesian network analysis method based on the methodological …
X Wu, H Huang, J **e, M Lu, S Wang, W Li… - Reliability Engineering & …, 2023 - Elsevier
In order to obtain the actual risk level and assess the performance of the safety barriers, bow-
tie (BT) approach proposed by ARAMIS project is applied to accident scenarios identification …
tie (BT) approach proposed by ARAMIS project is applied to accident scenarios identification …
Application of dynamic Bayesian network to risk analysis of domino effects in chemical infrastructures
N Khakzad - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015 - Elsevier
A domino effect is a low frequency high consequence chain of accidents where a primary
accident (usually fire and explosion) in a unit triggers secondary accidents in adjacent units …
accident (usually fire and explosion) in a unit triggers secondary accidents in adjacent units …
[HTML][HTML] Emergency response in cascading scenarios triggered by natural events
Emergency response is a procedural safety barrier of paramount importance for the
mitigation of fire scenarios and the prevention of escalation. However, in Natech scenarios …
mitigation of fire scenarios and the prevention of escalation. However, in Natech scenarios …
Improved pool fire-initiated domino effect assessment in atmospheric tank farms using structural response
Domino effects are severe accident scenarios affecting storage tanks and are often initiated
by pool fires. Flame engulfment and heat radiation are the two major sources triggering …
by pool fires. Flame engulfment and heat radiation are the two major sources triggering …
Domino effect analysis using Bayesian networks
A new methodology is introduced based on Bayesian network both to model domino effect
propagation patterns and to estimate the domino effect probability at different levels. The …
propagation patterns and to estimate the domino effect probability at different levels. The …
Domino effect in process-industry accidents–An inventory of past events and identification of some patterns
The paper presents an inventory, perhaps the most comprehensive till date, of the major
process-industry accidents involving 'domino effect'. The inventory includes, among other …
process-industry accidents involving 'domino effect'. The inventory includes, among other …
Modeling and analysis of domino effect in petrochemical storage tank farms under the synergistic effect of explosion and fire
The synergistic effect of explosion and fire (SEEF) is one of the challenges of domino effect
risk assessment for petrochemical storage tank farms. However, the domino effect …
risk assessment for petrochemical storage tank farms. However, the domino effect …
Quantitative assessment of domino and NaTech scenarios in complex industrial areas
Since the late 80s the application of quantitative risk assessment to the issue of land-use
planning with respect to major accident hazards emerged as a topic to be addressed within …
planning with respect to major accident hazards emerged as a topic to be addressed within …