Multiscalar smart city governance in India
Despite the proliferation of smart city initiatives in the Global South, their implementation and
governance mechanisms remain understudied. Using the Indian case as focus, this paper …
governance mechanisms remain understudied. Using the Indian case as focus, this paper …
Smart cities in develo** countries: A review of research literature
GS Indraprahasta, P Alamsyah - International Journal of Urban …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper departs from the need to better understand the intellectual map of smart city
research in the context of develo** countries which tends to be overlooked within the …
research in the context of develo** countries which tends to be overlooked within the …
Smart cities within world city networks
RS Wall, S Stavropoulos - Applied Economics Letters, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A substantiated definition of smart cities is urgently required. In this note, we
explore the crossover between smart city and world city network literature. We argue that this …
explore the crossover between smart city and world city network literature. We argue that this …
The economic value of smart city technology
GH Popescu - Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 2015 - ceeol.com
This paper aims to analyze and discuss the concept of smart cities, the assemblage of
participants, tenets and technologies related to smart city interventions, and the governance …
participants, tenets and technologies related to smart city interventions, and the governance …
[PDF][PDF] A different approach to the evaluation of smart cities' indicators
V Skvarciany, D Jurevičienė, R Žitkienė, I Lapinskaitė… - 2021 - sciendo.com
The article aims to propose a diff erent approach to assessing smart cities which combines
some commonly used indicators with several new ones in line with the concept of …
some commonly used indicators with several new ones in line with the concept of …
Smartness come «stile di vita»: approcci alla discussione
D Mezzapelle - Bollettino della società geografica italiana, 2016 - bsgi.it
The attempt to outline new forms or new trajectories about the future city represents an
attractive challenge, all the more if the research starts from the interesting dichotomy …
attractive challenge, all the more if the research starts from the interesting dichotomy …
[HTML][HTML] Urban development and sustainable utilization: challenges and solutions
FK Alqahtani, AR El Qasaby, IS Abotaleb - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Many countries are contemplating a smart sustainable approach to the next generation of
cities. However, there are many obstacles to achieve this objective, such as planning and …
cities. However, there are many obstacles to achieve this objective, such as planning and …
Türkiye'de akıllı şehir uygulamalarına bakış: Esenler akıllı belediye uygulamaları ve nar inovasyon bölgesi örneği
A Aydın - 2023 - acikerisim.uludag.edu.tr
Kentlerde, ulaşım, su, enerji, çevre, sağlık ve güvenlik gibi alanlarda birçok sorun, hızlı nüfus
artışıyla beraber kamu yönetiminin gündemine girmektedir. Gündeme gelen bu sorunlar …
artışıyla beraber kamu yönetiminin gündemine girmektedir. Gündeme gelen bu sorunlar …
The smart city concept: A review concerning sustainable risk management
M Kelnberger - Sustainable risk management, 2018 - Springer
The smart city concept is commonly understood as an approach to solving the existing and
future socioeconomic challenges of urban spaces by means of technological innovation and …
future socioeconomic challenges of urban spaces by means of technological innovation and …
[PDF][PDF] A framework for assessing cyber security and privacy threats and investigating their impact on smart city performance
N Seddighi, MR Sanaei, R Ehtesham Rasi - Electronic and Cyber Defense, 2022 - sid.ir
Today, the world is experiencing the evolution of smart cities. The emergence of such cities
stems from the application of information technology innovation, which, despite the creation …
stems from the application of information technology innovation, which, despite the creation …