Codesign methodologies and tools for cyber–physical systems
Cyber-physical system (CPS) analysis and design are challenging due to the intrinsic
heterogeneity of those systems. Today, CPSs are often designed by leveraging existing …
heterogeneity of those systems. Today, CPSs are often designed by leveraging existing …
From electronic design automation to cyber-physical system design automation: A tale of platforms and contracts
P Nuzzo - Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
This paper reflects on the design challenges posed by cyber-physical systems, what
distinguishes cyber-physical system design from large-scale integrated circuit design, and …
distinguishes cyber-physical system design from large-scale integrated circuit design, and …
Design synthesis and optimization for automotive embedded systems
Embedded software and electronics are major contributors of values in vehicles, and play a
dominant role in vehicle innovations. The design of automotive embedded systems has …
dominant role in vehicle innovations. The design of automotive embedded systems has …
A Case Study of Simulation and Performance Evaluationof a SDR Baseband Architecture
A Barreteau, S Le Nours, O Pasquier - Journal of Signal Processing …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract Application of Software Defined Radio (SDR) principles to mobile devices faces
numerous opposing constraints including low power, low cost, and high performance. This …
numerous opposing constraints including low power, low cost, and high performance. This …
Integração de novos processadores em arquiteturas MPSOC: um estudo de caso
EW Wächter - 2011 - tede2.pucrs.br
Abstract (native): Com o aumento da densidade de transistores em um mesmo circuito
integrado, possibilitou-se o desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais completos em um …
integrado, possibilitou-se o desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais completos em um …
[PDF][PDF] Contract model operators for composition and merging: extensions and proofs
Contract model operators for composition and merging: extensions and proofs Roberto
Passerone,ÍnigoÍncer Romeo, and Al- bert Page 1 DISI - Via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 POVO …
Passerone,ÍnigoÍncer Romeo, and Al- bert Page 1 DISI - Via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 POVO …
Integration of correct-by-construction bip models into the metroii design space exploration flow
Design correctness and performance are major issues which are usually considered
separately, and with different emphasis, by traditional system design flows. In this paper we …
separately, and with different emphasis, by traditional system design flows. In this paper we …
Model-Based Software Synthesis for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems
In many cyber-physical systems (CPS), software has become critical and drives future
innovations. CPS software development, however, faces significant challenges from …
innovations. CPS software development, however, faces significant challenges from …
A highly parallel processor with an instruction set including relational algebra
P Faudemay, D Etiemble… - Proceedings 1988 IEEE …, 1988 - computer.org
The authors present RAPID a highly parallel processor which includes an extended
relational algebra and text retrieval capacities in its instruction set. RAPID operates in …
relational algebra and text retrieval capacities in its instruction set. RAPID operates in …
System Level Modelling and Performance Estimation of Embedded Systems
AS Tranberg-Hansen - 2011 - orbit.dtu.dk
The advances seen in the semiconductor industry within the last decade have brought the
possibility of integrating evermore functionality onto a single chip forming functionally highly …
possibility of integrating evermore functionality onto a single chip forming functionally highly …